(Video) 5 Weird Yet Incredibly Cool Ways to Start a Fire. Who Knew These Could be Life-Saving When SHTF!


Being able to start a fire is one of the most important things to surviving off the land during a collapse. If you ran out matches and your lighter fluid is gone, there are still several ways you can start a fire.

As this video from Good Mythical Morning shows, you can start a fire using some pretty crazy and even weird methods. However, what of these methods just might get your fire going so that can stay warm!

These ways of starting a fire are just amazing. First, they show how to start a fire using a gum wrapper and one double A battery. They also used a cell phone battery and some steel wool and scraped the steel wool against the battery to start a fire.

They also used bacon grease and a magnifying glass. If you have nothing else, you can also use human urine to help start a fire. These methods seem crazy and really weird but they really work so you'll be able to start a fire when SHTF no matter what!

One Comment;

  1. Michael Blosser said:

    great article (for the 1st half) but the presentation is very difficult to navigate as it is full of advertisement to the extent that I stopped half way through.


