Using a Knife and Two Liter Bottles I Couldn’t Figure Out What The ‘Fat Guys’ Host Was Doing – Now That I Know, WOW!

DIY cordage

With Just A Couple Of Two-Liter Plastic Bottles, You'll Never Imagine What You Can Create. Now Bugging Out Will Be A Success…

In a survival scenario, if you don't have cordage a lot of things are going to be exponentially more challenging. Putting together a shelter will be tricky, fixing your gear will be very tricky, and snaring food will be impossible.

Having cordage is one of the golden rules of survival, which is why most people pack lots of paracord and duct tape in their survival bags.

But what if you don't have those things?

In cases like that, it's always important to remember that for countless generations people got on just fine without manufactured cordage, relying instead on their ability to make rope themselves. The capacity to use whatever you have lying around is going to make or break you in a survival situation. So what if all you have is a couple of empty plastic bottles?

Making cordage out of two-liter plastic bottles is so easy, you'll probably do it just to show off. Watch the video on the next page to learn this quick trick.

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