Tips That’ll Help Us Bug Out at a Moment’s Notice

failure vs success

Bugging out is a huge decision and commitment; you simply do not know what you will find when you return.

But if you have to make that momentous decision, you had better be prepared.

1. Develop a Plan – Create a plan that covers every action that needs to be accomplished to get you and your family to safety. A simple “how to” plan with tasks assigned will let everyone know what is expected of them and make it easier for the family unit to work together to bug out in a more timely manner. Even a packing plan for a vehicle that clearly shows where items should be packed could save you valuable time.

2. Make a List – Make a list of everything you’d like to take. Organize the list into various categories, and order them by importance: must-have items at the top and nice-to-have items at the bottom. This way you’ll be sure to pack everything you definitely need first, and if there’s room in the vehicle and enough time, you can grab some luxury items, too.

3. Pre-Pack Whatever You Can – Obviously your bug-out bag should be packed and ready to go. But you may also want to go ahead and pack some bags and boxes with survival gear and food. This way you can just pick them up and load them in your vehicle when the time comes (just be sure to rotate the food). You may also want to go ahead and load your vehicle with some non-food items (the shelf life of food would be drastically reduced if your vehicle is outside in hot weather).

4. Pre-Plan Primary and Secondary Routes – Pre-planning your routes will allow you to change from your primary to a secondary route without getting lost. Try to find several secondary routes and mark them on a map that you keep in the glove box. The more routes you have the better off you will be. Also, be sure to drive each route several times until you’re very familiar with them. This will allow you to identify hiding sites, pull-offs, and other areas you may need to ensure your safety.

“Be prepared” is the motto of the Boy Scouts and survivalists, but too many of us are not really all that prepared for that “bug-out moment.”

We need to change that and the list above is a great place to start!

To see other tips on what you need to have in place before you make a decision to bug-out, check out the Urban Survival Site.


