This Prepper Does a Practice Solo SHTF Situation and I Never Expected What Happens – Crazy!

Surviving alone

As Survivalists We All Would Like To Put Our Skills To Practice Before SHTF. Watch How One Prepper Practices Surviving Out In The Forest And What The Outcome Is. It's Not What You Would Expect!

With the myriad of survival shows on the air right now, many of us often imagine that surviving out in the wild is as easy as throwing a five-star shelter together, finding a magical spring bursting from a rock and having fish and game spear themselves over the fire.

Okay, maybe our imaginations don't run that wild, but we surely don't witness the true realities or the suffering that goes along with being away from society for an extended period.

It's important to know that when those survival shows are filmed, they often have five to ten people in the film crew (except for Les Stroud; that guy's awesome) along with a doctor and they usually have an ambulance and emergency helicopter on call. Plus, they bring food just in case none of the traditional hunting methods fail, which they often do.

So when we hear that a young survival skills enthusiast is planning on entering the woods alone to practice his methods, naturally we're skeptical of whether he will succeed.

To see this survival outing from start to finish and to discover how this survivalist fares, check out the next page.

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  1. Richard W. Phillips said:

    Nobody said that living out of a bug our bag is going to be a vacation, but is a LOT of food in the swamp; turtles, fish snakes, all sorts of birds and wildlife and vegetables and even fruits and berries. Water is plentiful and easily purified. Insects are a problem, but I’d rather be well fed and watered than hungry.

  2. Berkeley Brewer said:

    Why is it every thing you see about survival is a person that is no where near prepared. I carry a gun and lighter everyday no matter where I am going.

  3. Shawn Neal said:

    Yea. I think the majority of people would be like this. These kinds of videos focus on them. Completely unprepared. Knowledge is this guys greatest weapon. People like us, preppers for lack of a better term, think about this stuff daily. I for one, would never leave the house without my EDC pack & my sidearm.

  4. Jay Martin said:

    Solid job by the youngster. Wouldn’t have done anything different. Next step would have been food. Good job.

  5. Thomas Cook said:

    Even the best layed plans can go wrong. I would love to have all my preps in a situation, but just in case being able to use the stuff around you with nothing but your hands and brains puts you a step above others.

  6. Paul Walker said:

    Be thankful you can carry or own guns..

    Albeit, when you run out of ammo you better be able to fight !

  7. Russell Karnes said:

    ” Be Prepared” Adapted and blend in, the plan always changes. Keep it simple.

  8. Ray Bo Simmons said:

    Camping out with tent and sleeping, a cooler of food and drink, is hard enough at times.

  9. Theron Miller said:

    A well prepared prepper deposits cashes, in several places. I’m a truck driver my shtf bag is with me 24 /7 even when I’m across America.

  10. Thomas Whitten said:

    I’ve been telling people for years that ‘survival’ is not camping. It’s not fun, pretty and certainly not easy. I can honestly say that I had more fails than successes at first. But you absolutely must learn from the failures. You have figure out what went wrong and correct the mistake the next time out. Now, the younger nieces and nephews tell me I make it look easy. But it never is. Just keep going out, know that something is going to go wrong and work out method for doing it. Most importantly, nothing needs to go fast…usually. Take your time, move slowly at the campsite, think through what your going to do, see it in your head before you do it, then give it a try. Survival is waking up one more morning to live one more day.

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