This Prepper Does a Practice Solo SHTF Situation and I Never Expected What Happens – Crazy!

Surviving alone

As Survivalists We All Would Like To Put Our Skills To Practice Before SHTF. Watch How One Prepper Practices Surviving Out In The Forest And What The Outcome Is. It's Not What You Would Expect!

With the myriad of survival shows on the air right now, many of us often imagine that surviving out in the wild is as easy as throwing a five-star shelter together, finding a magical spring bursting from a rock and having fish and game spear themselves over the fire.

Okay, maybe our imaginations don't run that wild, but we surely don't witness the true realities or the suffering that goes along with being away from society for an extended period.

It's important to know that when those survival shows are filmed, they often have five to ten people in the film crew (except for Les Stroud; that guy's awesome) along with a doctor and they usually have an ambulance and emergency helicopter on call. Plus, they bring food just in case none of the traditional hunting methods fail, which they often do.

So when we hear that a young survival skills enthusiast is planning on entering the woods alone to practice his methods, naturally we're skeptical of whether he will succeed.

To see this survival outing from start to finish and to discover how this survivalist fares, check out the next page.

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  1. Cory Dougherty said:

    This idiot can’t even take the lens cap off the Camara and u expect him to survive in anything other then his mother’s care?

    • dennis said:

      looking forward to seeing your video

  2. Jericho Rusciolelli said:

    We lived like this for hundreds of thousands of years. The fact that you are reading this proves that it is possible not only to survive but thrive under these circumstances. Adjust your attitude, learn the skills and suck it up.

  3. Scot Mitchell said:

    Congrats! We all must start somewhere. I’m sure you’ll get much criticism but just brush it off. It’s not always easy to face your fears but you did. Great job!

  4. Kelly N Gilson said:

    — It occurs to me , a prepper is someone who will go and hide . While we fight for our country …

  5. Matt Self said:

    Prepping is about being prepared for multiple scenarios.

  6. Dennis Richmond said:

    But if you are going to be a lone, what’s the point ??? Who the Hell wants to be a lone ??? You might as well be dead !!! Sitting out in the woods by yourself isn’t a life worth living !!!

  7. Patrick Henry said:

    Can’t fight if your dead. Reflect on Vietnam. If it comes to it, gorilla warfare will be the reality of survival/freedom.

  8. Michael Austin said:

    I’ve been saying this for years now. Learn from the vietcong and taliban cause the American patriot will have to live just like them one day

  9. Richard Salcido said:

    Are you going fight or are you going hide? Because if your not fighting then your your a food supplier for those that are!

  10. Burt Gummerfan said:

    Yep. I always bring that up when the anti-gunners say “How are you gonna fight the military with a rifle?”.
    Guerilla warfare, small arms vs modern military? Look at Viet Nam, the Taliban, ISIS, the Mujihadeen…

  11. Michael Austin said:

    I will give them all credit but especially isis for thier recruiting. I would say tactics and equipment but it’s ours really. They are the first terrorist group to not have to completely rely on gorilla warfare because they have pretty good numbers. But thier personal training sucks they need to let the CIA handle it

  12. Daniel J Ahern said:

    I’m going to hide and take shots at both sides to fill my needs. Total anarchy baby. And I bow hunt and turkey hunt so you won’t see me.

  13. Tyler Ryan said:

    Well it depends on the situation when shtf. If it’s totally anarchy from the power grid going down my$#%&!@*is sitting where I’m at an if any looters try to mess with me or my family then that sucks for them but if we got invaded that’s a totally different story.

  14. Marshall Welchel said:

    A meanie me, for Survivorman ! Woop Woop ! Go to it ! When I was your age, I did that for fun.. Yeah, that teaches discipline !

  15. Dennis Richmond said:

    Prepping is’t just about your own survival, but also those that make your life worth living !!! And doing what every it takes to take care of them !!!

  16. Scott Bregenzer said:

    ****PLEASE READ**** ! ! My sons story, There are so many out there praying for us and wishing us well, My son has aspergers, ADD, Clinical Anxiety and Clinical Depression with suicidal tendencies if there is anyone out there, a Celebrity maybe or anyone else with some clout who has the resources to get my sons story heard, My sons story would then have been given a chance of at least being read by the celeb or someone able to help in his cause. The story on my wall has been provided with so much proof it would make them sick over it and someone would have done something by now. I am still praying it will happen. INTERESTED in doing the right thing?? Championing a special needs child Being abused while it is ignored by everyone in the state of Illinois simply because he is different. While they refuse to admit that not only does it happen but that it is a frequent and growing issue across this country This kind of treatment will eventually affect all students and children in all Schools etc. If nothing else can you look at the post on my wall and read his story that I have been posting? Thank You! That story is why I have been repeatedly posting as replies on your posts for over a month now. Thank you. PLEASE READ MY WALL AND SHARE !!

  17. Steve Gauthier said:

    living alone isnt always a lonely life i did the off the grid thing for a couple years ALONE and i miss it and it is a life worth living apperently for some its not as they need others and some dont

  18. Ricky Sumrall said:

    you know what I notice .about all of these. die hard survivor things. there all in the mountains. deffrent surveil skills need in a swamp

  19. Jason Sorensen said:

    Just read a good article about why it may not be in the “tactical preppers” best interest to go it alone out in the back country. One, humans are social animals and thrive more when others are around. Two, even though a city may seem like a living hell while the worst of the rioting and looting is happening this may not last as long as the people selling out back gear might like you to believe. Three, If society doesn’t collapse completely then most likely everyone will be held to the “rule of law.” Fantasies of killing anyone that “might” just feel like a threat at the time will most likely still be held against the person responsible for the killing later. It may actually make more sense to build up the defenses of one’s home so there are a few redundant fall back positions that eventually end with a vehicle suited for on and off road driving. Even though I believe this “zombie mania” that has been in the popular culture lately is actually a sub conscience response for people to deal with the feeling of a possible (read and take population numbers as well as environment statistics seriously and this becomes a question of when, not if.) eventual collapse that may results in many people fighting each other over resources that are represented by the “zombies,” however, real zombies don’t exist. So mowing down several hundred actual desperate people that are hungry or thirsty will have to be decided on what truly counts as self preservation by defense through lethal means by the person feeling threatened. Zombies, sure no one would question ones resolve, yet with actual other humans, unless the goal is forever, eventually even the toughest may find it beneficial to come back to civilization if nothing more than to be around other people, and the decrease of stress hormones that behavior actually results in.

  20. Ed Teach said:

    After a lot of cold, wet, hungry nights, mostly alone over the years you learn what you must have, what is good to have and what makes the trip a good memory. The best lessons are learned by doing, not by watching videos. Start with the 5 Cs and add or leave behind what makes you comfortable and gives you time to relax and enjoy. Try learn by successes and not failures, some failures can cost you your life.

  21. Adam Freeman said:

    Surviving in a swamp would probably be easier than almost anywhere else…plenty of game to eat, warmer weather, etc.

  22. Ricky Sumrall said:

    yeah youd think that to your in it. game isn’t that easy to find. the bugs an the heat.will drive you carzy.then there’s the snakes.contsanly being in water.form ankels to your knees.some spots up to your hips.water water ever where not a dorp to drink. if your not prepared. I can go on an on. before I’m finsh ADAM FREEMAN QUESTION. HOW MUCH TIME HAVE YOU SPENT IN A REAL SWAMP??

  23. Mark Tenny said:

    The weather looked good enough not to even need a inclosed shelter

  24. Phil Murray said:

    Be ready to get by on less than 800 calories per day most of the time. If you have stored up food, learn to get by on the bare minimum to stretch it out. Don’t wait until it is all gone to start eating the natural things God provides out there. Understand this: You are going to get Skinny.

  25. Travis Daniel White said:

    There is no big outcome, you asshats. 25 min of my life wasted so you can sell ads. I hate 2016

  26. Richard W. Phillips said:

    I have a backpack bug out bag that is fully stocked with knives, hatchet, fishing gear, plenty of cordage, a mark III 22 pistol with 1000 rounds of ammo, a good pot, flashlight, fire starting items, etc.etc. I’m now working on a custom cut tarp for a 15′ teepee that I can roll up and attach to the bottom of my bug out bag. I’m older but I’m a land surveyor and spend much time in the woods and understand the work. I believe I could survive but hope I don’t have to.

  27. Ron Aubry said:

    Hell, he probably burned the forest down with that fire pit, Fire can spread underground a long way before anyone is aware of it, feeding on leaves and needles from the trees and shrubs…

  28. David Goolie said:

    Ricky Sumrall I agree. Swamp is no joke. I rather live in woods. But, I do see the other side of his comment. Typically there are more options for substance as far as live stuff. But, if you know what your doing in woods you can live off roots bugs and so so so much. I think it is really your skill sets and what your comfortable with. I could do either. But, I know swamp would not be my first pick. But, then again. MAYBE it would.. depends .. on reason I would be bugging out..

  29. Richard W. Phillips said:

    I live and and am a registered land surveyor in Florida. There is a lot of wet lands in florida but you don’t have to build your camp in the swamp….although there’s a lot of tucker in the swamp. You can easily find a high and dry place that is far from others and near a swamp where you can find water and food.

  30. Ricky Sumrall said:

    if your trying to hide out ,yeah swamp is great place for foor keeping your food eatable. its not. not place to keep it cold like up north. the water sure isn’t safe to drink.lot more things to hurt you in swamp. hate to say that.jusly an augst are a$#%&!@*besides the heat &snakes ever bug known to man is out. skeeters are a toaly$#%&!@*in the swamp in summer.


