THIS Key Factor is What’s Going to Make Surviving Possible During SHTF

man holding a walkie talkie

Prepping is about preparing for whatever the world might throw at you. But surviving is about using your resources to guarantee a happy ending. For success, you need to consider other people as an important resource. Learn how to do this below.

At the moment, the “prepping movement” seems to consist of many people in agreement that there may be a sudden catastrophic watershed situation causing the collapse of the structure and functioning of society as we currently experience it, and one should prepare for the possibility. Specifics vary whether this may be a total financial collapse, the total loss of electricity due to an EMP attack or a super sun flare storm, apocalyptic natural catastrophes such as mega tsunamis or mega volcanic calderas, the moral and identity breakdown of our nation to the point of “take over” by the “globalists”, or a World War III with weapons of mass destruction. However, the fundamental point is that one should prepare to survive.
What do Preppers keep missing?
How long can any prepping family last? How long until the food supplies are gone, how long until a powerful gang of thieves or the government (redundant?) steal what you have stored or confiscate that to distribute things equally to all?
Prepping needs to change from focusing on individual or family survival to focusing on organizing groups, (or maybe, more precisely, “mini-societies”?) who would have a longer range view of not only surviving any national catastrophe but also of rebuilding society.
Prepping groups need get more members who are actively taking steps not just for individual survival but for group survival. Local prepping meetings need to happen to help people understand what they must prepare for, especially so that they do not in a SHTF situation end up as a burden to others. Also standards and responsibilities need to be agreed upon, and discussions will generate ideas and activity.
Communications and neighborhood watch groups need to be established using radios.
Take this one step further and establish organized protection groups for local ranchers and farmers. Crops and livestock need to be protected by a group rather than just by individual ranchers and farmers. By establishing mutually beneficial agreements, the ranchers and farmers are protected from losing everything and the protecting group is assured a percentage of a renewable food source. Here especially we can deal with the concern for the longevity of survival by establishing a social unity of protecting harvest and repeated food production.
In summary, a more complete aspect of prepping would encompass the longer range view of the organized survival of groups or communities. Mankind has survived and adapted throughout history, but it has taken its steps forward through difficult historical moments by communal or group commitment, the shared advancement of ethical norms, and the organized righteous use of force.

Society, though it may have its hiccups, is overall a resilient force. The only way we have survived as a species for this long is because of our group mentality; we work much more efficiently in groups than we do by ourselves.

A group can get far more done, can protect more land, and can secure more resources than a single individual. While developing a plan with your neighbors for the eventuality of a SHTF situation may be difficult, it's a worthwhile investment of your time if things really do go south.

To learn more about this topic, and to read the rest of this article, check out The Prepper Journal.


