This is Something a Prepper Should NEVER Get Caught Wearing Post-Collapse. Wear This and You Won’t Stand a Chance!

what to wear during a collapse

You're watching an episode of What Not to Wear survival edition when all of the sudden the prepper being judged is in big trouble. He didn't pass the test because he made one of the worst wardrobe mistakes. Why didn't he pass? Well, keep reading.

If you were the contestant, would you pass the test? 

It's true that after a collapse takes place, you will find yourself transported back to the Stone Age. Even though many preppers will retreat into the woods and disappear, there will come a time when they'll need to go out to gather food or trade with others to gain new supplies.

Sooner or later their bug out cabin may get compromised if they run into the wrong people. When that happens, a prepper should be in camouflaged clothing as to not attract the wrong crowd.

If you find yourself in this situation, and you leave your bug out cabin, the last thing you want to wear is full tactical gear. You know, the camo shirt, pants, military grade face mask, and plenty of weapons.

Do this and you're going to get shot. Sorry but it's true.

It's in your best interest to visit the next page to find out what you should be wearing so that you can blend in and not stand out.

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  1. Donald White said:

    I’m so sick of these ‘click the next page’ this is what all these pages have come to. You lost a follower.

  2. Randy Norris said:

    I dont think your going to find a remote wilderness in the eastern US. Better off learning to grow your own food and staying in the cities.

  3. Matt Dobbs said:

    Hypothetically- I think you would have millions of non preppers headed in to be shot/ shot at? Or highly discouraged from being there by the actual preppers defending their camps – unless they have something to offer- the fact is most of these people will grab the Glock 19 in their sock drawer and head out thinking they are prepared – only to run into the real preppers with a few .50s or .338s that will keep them out of the woods

  4. Rob McLarty said:

    I don’t know man. These ‘woods’ may seem remote and unpopulated to the occasional visitor but in fact they are well known and frequently used by local populations. My county is 70% national forest and I know the locals have no intention of sharing that with a horde of evacuees. I expect this is the case throughout the Appalachians. There is no place in the eastern US so remote that a local population doesn’t feel proprietary rights to it. Not sure armed conflict in those folks own ‘back yard’ (they’ve , hunted, fished, moonshined, etc.on that land for generations) is going to have the desired outcome for the newcomer.

  5. Matt Dobbs said:

    That’s my point – the dumbass from Marietta that heads to the Cohuttas with his Glock, is not welcome and not gonna stay there when the local boys take a shot or 2 in their direction- not to mention the real preppers that I know who have in the double digits of rifles ARs – know how to use them- and enough ammo to fend off the hordes

  6. Paul Laker said:

    Pretty much. Bubble gum is for nancies, I always make sure I have a fresh log of wintergreen in my pack lol

  7. Bill Crane said:

    Basically my same rationale against open carry bs concealed

  8. Seth Gebhart said:

    Well, first off, if it really gets bad, there will be no military or police. Second I’m not coming out of the wilderness for about a year is so, which means only the hardy or deadly is still around.

  9. Bob Mullen said:

    So, is it better to get shot without wearing that gear? If I’m in my area then somebody else needs to worry about getting shot!

  10. Joshua Babeu said:

    Basically understand your area in a situation. If you are in the middle of suburbia or just outside of a city, this is good advice. If you are in the middle of Montana in the forest maybe you want the camouflage

  11. Paul Parson said:

    You guys run this same story on a monthly loop. Really bored of it now.

  12. Steven LaRose said:

    LOL when SHTF I’m heading for the hills and will be dressed head to toe in BDU’s in my camo tent and what have you.. But if I do have to go into town I already have my “street clothes” packed and the P.A.Luty 9mm I am building will fit nicely under my jacket.. Google P.A.Luty and check it out the plans are free or Google Practical scrap metal small arms.. you can find them free also….. ARM THE We the People of the United States

  13. Steven LaRose said:

    When SHTF I’m heading for the hills.. I will be dressed head to toe in BDU’s in my camo tent and what have you.. I my street clothes (Urban Camo) and the P.A.Luty 9mm i am building will fit nicely under my jacket.. Google P.A.Luty or Practical scrap metal small arms.. There are free plans for some good homemade firearms..

  14. Bob Mullen said:

    How do you know that and it hasn’t even happened yet. I live in the mountains and I would wear camp just like everyone else. If you live in the city then it wouldn’t be a good choice

  15. Chris Keesler said:

    Should stick to the topic…spends half of the video talking about military and police seizure of weapons during hurricane Katrina

  16. Jon Peck said:

    a postal service uniform? Kevin Costner really caught a lot of flack in the Postman for that…

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