This is Something a Prepper Should NEVER Get Caught Wearing Post-Collapse. Wear This and You Won’t Stand a Chance!

what to wear during a collapse

You're watching an episode of What Not to Wear survival edition when all of the sudden the prepper being judged is in big trouble. He didn't pass the test because he made one of the worst wardrobe mistakes. Why didn't he pass? Well, keep reading.

If you were the contestant, would you pass the test? 

It's true that after a collapse takes place, you will find yourself transported back to the Stone Age. Even though many preppers will retreat into the woods and disappear, there will come a time when they'll need to go out to gather food or trade with others to gain new supplies.

Sooner or later their bug out cabin may get compromised if they run into the wrong people. When that happens, a prepper should be in camouflaged clothing as to not attract the wrong crowd.

If you find yourself in this situation, and you leave your bug out cabin, the last thing you want to wear is full tactical gear. You know, the camo shirt, pants, military grade face mask, and plenty of weapons.

Do this and you're going to get shot. Sorry but it's true.

It's in your best interest to visit the next page to find out what you should be wearing so that you can blend in and not stand out.

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  1. Wes McDonald said:

    I have all types of clothing for different situations according to METT-TC. One thing, when I train, I’m not going to go dressed as a shitbag. I think that lots of folks opposed to wearing camo such as multicam are the go-hide-in-the-woods types if the SHTF. Guess what? Those folks are not going to make it. Responsible “preppers” should be encouraging others in the community to outfit and train so that citizens OWN their neighborhoods when the time comes. From experience, it is frustrating paying good money to attend quality training, only to lose valuable training time because others in the class show up outfitted in all kinds of flea market/foreign surplus$#%&!@*kit and end up wasting time picking their$#%&!@*up off the ground. Come on people! When appropriate, look like a professional and train as such!

  2. Joe Brown said:

    Before i read the article let me guess. Skinny jeans with designer work boots, an expensive designer plaid lumber jack shirt, a carefully quoffed beard and a man bun. Dod i pretty much nail it?

  3. Geoff Jania said:

    There are different types of camo for different applications. Let’s talk about it at the next Bastards Gun Club meeting.

  4. John Gurule said:

    Blend in! Although camo comes in handy on recon, surveillance, and hiding!

  5. Shane Kaleb Sinor said:

    I disagree. Create a hard target. Travel in heavily armed groups. People will be desperate and trying to survive. Picking targets of opportunity. That are low risk. Think about this way. Church group vs Swat team. They’ll hit the church group every time. Easy target with higher chance of success.

  6. Adam Snyder said:

    Did you even read it? That is what they say you shouldn’t wear because tactical gear makes people think you have something worth taking.

  7. Bobby Dickey said:

    if it comes to total collapse it is not going to matter, your neighbors and even some friends will kill you for anything you might have.people will not give a second thought about killing you for a tictac or a matter what you wear

  8. Cliff Caro said:

    Shouldn’t wear military issue post collapse unless you actually are military. I figure.

  9. Joseph Barbarick said:

    It says not to wear tactical gear or cammo in populated areas because it’ll draw attention. Saved you the trouble of flipping through a bunch of ads and useless fillers.

  10. Dennis Kurn said:

    Here in Michigan,lots of us wear camo of some kind every day,nothing weard about it.

  11. Zackary Morris said:

    I would think regular, durable, comfy, warm clothes will do most of the time but you will not talk me out of a ghillie suit if I’m hiding in the forest by myself. I don’t want to hide in a bush, I want to BE THE BUSH.

  12. Bruce Blakeney said:

    I agree. Underdress. Look like you’re not worth bothering…but go prepared to be the last one they would want to bother. (Concealable bulletproof vests, other concealable things…).

  13. Roger Goldsmith said:

    I will make sure not to wear my “I have food and supplies just follow me” shirt.

  14. Edward Grant said:

    I think it is funny that people think that society will be civil and you be able to trade with someone you do not know! Get real! When the SHTF you better stay away from any pockets of people, learn to live off the land and do without because going into what is left of society will get you shot or worse.

  15. Marc Black said:

    As if anyone will be so stupid as to porade themselves in the first place, for one thing, the city will be nuked, and the servivors will be dead, the food will be nuked as well even in cans, only fools with a death wish will travel into any city

  16. Eric Ortego said:

    I think he’s from a city and is unaware of the fact that a large portion of America actually hunt and wear camo.

  17. Mark Kettler said:

    People are so afraid of the government authorities WTF! The government will be so pre-occupied with mayhem they wont be able to focus on individuals, its the guy next to you, your neighbor, your neighbor, you drinking buddies up in the bar, whoever that you need to worry about!!!!

  18. Mark Kettler said:

    Especially if you’re wearing a red suit and going ho ho ho all the time

  19. Cyrus Hunter said:

    My plan is to avoid any populations. As much as i can anyways. I found it easiest in current life to trade with farmers/ranchers tho so i may not avoid those places as much. But always use a 2 person system. 1 person watches from a safe distance with a rifle and the other approaches the farm

  20. Westly Vander Meer said:

    Stolen valor means they are acting as if they were in armed forces to get a benefit of some sort. Not just wearing camo. Look at DMX he wears camo all the time never once has the man acted if he was in military do you think he is stealing valor.

  21. Dennis Kurn said:

    I have never been in the military,but I wear cammo,but not to pretend that I was in the military.

  22. Rufus P. Montgomery said:

    Greatly depends on were you are and where you are going. Living in a rural area camo does blend in.

  23. Lucian Armstrong said:

    Don’t be suited up in riot gear strapped with weapons. It makes you a target, makes you stand out, blend in so well people won’t even notice you. Saved you a click.

  24. Matt Dobbs said:

    Agree that “SWAT” tactical attire could be bad but in north GA full camouflage looks like your just headed to Walmart for the weeks grocery shopping

  25. Paul Laker said:

    What if your game plan is to bug in and you’re in a hostile urban environment? Just playing the devils advocate

  26. Rob McLarty said:

    Article states that prep pets will be ‘headed to the woods’. I’m curious what ‘woods’ east of the Mississippi are expected to be the remote wilderness sanctuaries for millions of people fleeing urban desolation?

  27. Griffin's Ark said:

    Post apocalyptic the best camo will be to look like a crack head… No matter where you live.

  28. Beau Draughn said:

    Or if you live in the mountains. There are more trees than people surrounding us, the town is the short part of the trek. Blending in is entirely dependent upon what you need to blend into.


