This Dangerous Stretch of Water in the UK Carries a Dark Secret…

the strid

You need to look no further than the movie “Deliverance” to know that if it is man against nature, nature will win every time. That includes a river who, it seems, has no use for men, women or children!

… (A) keen cameraman tells the story of a young boy in the 12th century who was set to be the future king of Scotland. He reportedly died attempting to jump across the Strid.
He later tells the story of an incident in 2010. The tragedy, which was reported by MailOnline, involved the death of an eight-year-old boy who was killed after falling into the river.
Aaron Page was playing near stepping stones on his birthday when he slipped on a steep riverbank and drowned. A passer-by grabbed hold of him but the strong current dragged him below the surface and he disappeared.
The turbulence will render someone unconscious very quickly. It's not a good place to play
Carolyn Roberts, Professor of Environment, Gresham College
His body was not found until more than three hours later.
Scott said that the only way the river may be survivable is if someone had ‘a lot of equipment and a lot of luck'.
He added: ‘It is so dangerous. It looks safe, it looks tempting, but it will kill you.'

In this case, as in many others a lakes and rivers, it may look serene from the surface but once you step in or throw yourself into the water – peril is certain!

In other words, be careful! Don’t cross that river unless you really have to do it and – please – take precautions. Learn from others, read up on the water passageways you are hiking near. If your children are with you, warn them to stay away!

To learn more go to the Daily Mail.


