This Dangerous Stretch of Water in the UK Carries a Dark Secret…

the strid

It is just common sense to research the area where you will be hiking or camping. Talk to friends or experts who have been there. If you plan to stay a night or two in the wilderness learn what dangers you may be facing.

What type of wildlife and water hazards are there?

Why, you may ask, is all of this so important? Because the risks of the unknown can seriously endanger you and yours. For instance, the narrow Strid in Yorkshire reportedly has a one hundred per cent fatality rate! If you, as a survivor, did not know that you could be in serious jeopardy if ever deciding to hike and camp in the area!

The Strid is said to have a deadly combination of rapid currents and jagged rocks  and anyone who falls in or decides to go for a swim is thrashed about mercilessly!

After the break, go to the next page and read at least two instances, one involving royalty, where the Strid has had its way with humankind!

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