The Truth as to Just How Much Your Mind Affects Your Ability to Survive

man drinking water from leaf

Some survivalist will tell you to be calm, others will say you need to jump into action the minute calamity hits. Still others will insist a good panic will kick-start any normal person into survivor mode. What do you think?

There is a mindset that will ensure survival.

Anyone forced into a survival situation, is going to experience unimaginable stressors that will ultimately influence their thinking. The overwhelming amount of stress that a survival situation will produce, and how you ultimately respond to that stress, will be the determining factor in your ability to survive that situation.

In a survival situation, fear usually affects a person in one of two ways. The first example, are those that let fear take over to the point that they are unable to act. These people literally become debilitated by fear; so much so that they are literally unable to make any decisive decisions, until ultimately their indecisiveness becomes their downfall.

The second example is people who let fear drive their actions. These people give into their body’s natural chemical reaction, and allow adrenaline to take over. They are often quick to make decisions, usually at the expensive of thinking, and they ultimately fail because they get themselves into trouble that should have been easily avoided.

In both cases, the root cause of the problem is fear, and how the person lets that fear dictate what happens to them.

For more information, including a great example of a famous case of survival against the odds; without supplies and a group of men and women in dire circumstances, go over to Survival Kit.

Survival mindset is obviously key. You neither want to be too calm, in a shutdown mode, or too anxiety ridden, working yourself into exhaustion! When you are a prepper you already know the possibilities, what you are getting into, so learn all you can and use it, keeping your mind primed and completely in survival mode.


