The Top 16 Most Dangerous Animals in the World Will Shock You. #10 Blew My Mind.

black mamba snake

When you think of the most dangerous animals in the world, you probably think about the big predators at the top of the food chain. You know, the ones with the big teeth and big claws. If you're honest, the “lions and tigers and bears, oh my!” image of an imposing force flashes across your mind.

Well, that's not exactly the case. These are some species that you probably didn’t think of when you saw the word “dangerous.”

We’re talking about animals that don’t necessarily make headlines when they attack, but they are still very menacing. Sometimes they’re little and can be innocent looking too. But they’re definitely the ones you should steer clear of (although #10 might be a bit difficult for you).

After the break, discover what the ten most dangerous animals in the world are, beginning with creepy crawly animals that'll make you squirm just by looking at the image on the next page.

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    • Deemanking said:

      You’re stupid. Snakes don’t have lips

  1. Albert Lumactud said:

    Truth And Action great..Truth And Action. :D, do you thing it be 477, and u? test now…
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    if the bakers and the Republicans call themselves muslims, everything we are doing now will be considered peaceful and tolerant of others. good article: ……diehardsurvivor…/the-top-ten-most-dangerous-animals-in-the-world-will-shock-you-10-bleI’m tired of saying nothing & doing nothing. It’s time we rally together, get the truth out & make changes to the system.

  2. Bryan Smith said:

    Clearly this is a photo shopped double image of Obama and Ted Cruz layered on top of each other !!!

  3. Tim Pitts said:

    Bull$#%&!@*they left a lot of bad$#%&!@*snakes off this list

  4. Albert Anderson said:

    Not shocked at all. You could just put them all on one page and spared us all the ad bombs.

  5. Mitch McCollum said:

    I loved that show swamp wars with Miami dade venom 1 and animal planet, the black mamba is the most terrifying to me, they will chase you and you cannot outrun them they grow to 15ft and their venom will drop you in minutes, those black evil eyes yikes

  6. Ronnie Gray said:

    The only land snakes venom that will drop you sooner that the mamba is the taipan but it’s not aggressive like the mamba .

  7. Ken Gulley said:

    They left the top 2 completely off the list…killery and odumer

  8. Larry Wilson said:

    If all the people who say. ” there’s no such thing as a unwanted child, or are against abortion. Would put their time and money where their mouth is and adopt one or two of the millions throwaway homeless street kids and orphans. Abused. Then I would agree. Otherwise their just another hipocratical person!

  9. Wayne Nash said:

    They didn’t even include the animal that has killed more people than any other. Mosquitos.

  10. Roger Luginbill said:

    Try putting yourself on the waiting list, see how long of a wait. Babies get aborted at a much faster rate

  11. Ron Colson said:

    We humans are by far the worst we have destroyed and raped this land most animals have more morals then humans

  12. Cary Wangelin said:

    Why is it you have to wait until the Black Momba opens its mouth before you see any black? Too late!

  13. Robert Branch said:

    Shocking click bait is never as shocking as they’d like it to be nor is it ever worth the slide show full of aggressive ads.

  14. Hank Lee said:

    I just read that the most common snakebite in the US is copperhead. I guess not in Mexico and Canada. I have always heard the hippopotamus is the deadliest large animal in Africa. Bees are named, but mosquitoes kill a million people a year just in Africa.
    There are 15 animals named, but the post says top 10. Hmmm.

  15. Gary Ford said:

    This list is such bullshit. Hippos kill more people in Africa than Cape Buffalo
    The Buffalo is only dangerous when provoked

  16. Walter Scott said:

    Full of $hit
    What criteria do you base the ‘most deadly’ on?
    The mosquito kills more people than any other creature (apart from possibly us freaking humans) so it would be no 1. And here in Australia we have at least 3 snakes who’s venom is more deadly than your little rattlesnake (Google death adder). And seriously, the hyena? Hippos kill so many more people than hyenas.
    I’m gone. This is bull$hit.

  17. Stephen Carter said:

    Stopped reading after number one. If it has a rattle snake on. The list (yes dangerous but not most dangerous) then it is spam and not worth our time.

  18. Mitchell Hollis said:

    Deer kill more ppl each year, followed by bees,wasp ect.. then fles,rats…… so on

  19. James Mitchell said:

    Wrong wrong wrong and wrong! First of all, who taught them to count? Ten? Really? Smh!
    Secondly, the mosquito is the deadliest animal in the world to humans. Don’t believe me? Look it up. And Hippopotamuses are way more dangerous to humans than hyenas or even mambas.


