We’ve talked about many things in these pages, mostly about when the SHTF and how we as individuals are going to live our lives after a major collapse. There is so much to do, before and after, and some feel we may never be completely ready for what is to come.
Still, even if we cannot pull it together as a country we may still be able to survive as a family, trusted small groups, or even a “lone wolf”. The big problem will be what we cannot control.
Yet, even those things – if we think ahead – can be limited. It will require someone taking control, however, and during times of chaos that is not always possible – which is worrisome.
After the break go over to the next page and read up on a secret killer that may possibly destroy us all if we are not on guard.
It is simple and can be contained but not everyone will be thinking about it until it’s too late!
Give me a break.
In the worst-case 6 scenarios, 85 or more percent of the people will die. The survivors won’t be filling their shopping carts at Costco or Walmart. There won’t be any packaging, containers or wrappers. Where is all this trash supposed to come from?