The Optimal States to Head to When All Hell Breaks Loose


Just about every prepper has a “bug out” strategy, a plan in place for what to do when a survival crisis takes place and it's vital to move to a safer location (or even bug in).

Some may not consider where to go beyond “the camp” or another predesignated safe space.

So, will your bug out location cut it for long-term survival? And what obstacles and threats will exist in the world that could affect your quality of life? What is the optimal place to head to?

These types of questions are not asked often enough, especially if there's already a bug out location planned out.

However, knowing where to go in a pivotal survival situation or post-collapse is vital as knowing how to get there.

To discover what one man's opinion is on where the optimal places are to head in a survival situation as well as the best states, check out the following slide. 

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  1. Merle Wenstrom said:

    West coast of wa will be almost vacant because of all the lefty non prepers and anti gunners here. It’s going to be nice. Lol

  2. Pamela Williams said:

    Keep in mind YOU will be the invader on private property unless you PURCHASE your bug out property in advance. I can tell you this about the deep south… don’t want to be the invader down here because you won’t be welcome and we are willing to die to keep it.

  3. Diane Ross said:

    No safe place to go if all hell breaks out just hope you are alright with God.

  4. Aaron Ralph said:

    I wonder… If California secedes from the US, and then all hell breaks loose in the states, do you think they’ll be signs at the California boarder saying “US immigrants not permitted”?

  5. Mike Brawley said:

    Your better off to stay put unless you know the exact property and already own it and can get there quick. First getting any distance would be difficult at best. Second who ever owns that property will be guarding it. Third traffic would probably come to a halt so you would probably be living in your car along side a bunch of other desperate people you don’t know. Stay where you are. If a major conflict broke out it is doubtful you could carry enough ammo to defend yourself for long. It would take the army or national guard to bring control.

  6. Scott Hornbarger said:

    Most of my neighborhood has a weapon or two. Im staying home. We have places..gardens..ammo..pit terriers…

  7. Renee Murphy said:

    West of the Missouri River? It flows west/east. Did you mean the Mississippi ?

  8. John Peplinski said:

    Stand your ground , shoot to kill every shot . The police cannot and will not help any of us, they’ll be rushing home to defend their own , so kill every Muslim you see when$#%&!@*kicks off !!!!!

  9. Jesse Harmon said:

    You’ve got to be joking. West coast states? Nevada, Arizona? I’ll keep it in the swamp. Them jihadist don’t know nothing about that life.

  10. Mike Brawley said:

    Try to build yourself a supply of water and food. And keep a low profile. I have a generator but it will run out of fuel fast and it’s too loud. You don’t want others to know your there and have anything of value or use to them. Weapons would be useful until you run out of ammo. A good bow and arrows as back up wouldn’t hurt you either and it is quiet. Both could be used for protection and getting food. But anyway you slice it your time is limited. You would soon become vulnerable unless you really stocked up for a year or more.

  11. Chris Knight said:

    I think if he’ll broke loose California would be the starting point.

  12. Mike Price said:

    I will stay rite were im at in wv and se how many of the enemy i can kill .WOLVERINES. Wooooooooop. Ole painless is waiting.

  13. Daniel Whiting said:

    Haha right. I’m not all about the swamps. I’m mosquito bait… but I’ll definitely sit in the snow and laugh at them sandal wearing dress wearing mothers as they try to “fit in”.

    What do you call an Islamic extremist in the snow?
    An easy target….

  14. Josh Parrish said:

    lol jihadists, worry bout the roving gangs of cannibals…lol o wait ud b in it! loljks

  15. Jesse Harmon said:

    Lol not, I’d didn’t say anything about the city’s. LA, NY, CHI, SEATTLE and so on. That’s something you would have to do. Lol, not kidding.

  16. Mike Brawley said:

    No problem I’m not telling you what to do. Do as you wish. I’m just voicing an opinion your is apparently different and that fine.

  17. Randall Weeks said:

    I’ve been trying to tell people that for years. These ideas about hitting the road or going in the hills with a backpack, it’s just like jumping off a ship with just a life vest. You’re alone at the bottom of the food chain now and you’re chances are near zero.

    If you look at the places that this has already happened, like the Balkans and others. The individual streets and neighborhoods, and the rural communities all band together, close themselves in, and share protection. Loaners die off very fast. Raiders die off very fast.

    The whole idea of hitting the hills. It’s not the 1800s. They’ll be millions with the same idea that hunt the hills dry. Those out there are condemned to a slow filthy death or end up as another refugee.

    The people with gardens that share protection with neighbors are the ones that live to see it over.

  18. Mike Brawley said:

    Very well said Randall. There may some who can do it but living in the wild, if you can get there, would not be as glamorous as it may sound. There are probably very few, especially families, who are capable of that way of life. Swiss Family Robinson made a good movie but it is not what you would probably have.

  19. Shane Temple said:

    The real answer won’t be revealed until the year after. Most calamities are regional anyway.

  20. Mark Rathbone said:

    After a few pages I gave up hitting “next page”..$#%&!@*or get off the pot lol we know we have to read a few ads but keep it realistic.

  21. Shane Flanigan said:

    The middle 3rd of America will be the safest. When I think of the end I think about the crazies and the people that can’t do for their selvs.

  22. Scott Satcher said:

    I love my state and country am not running will stay in my state and fight for it what used to be said about the american flag is these colors dont run is still highly respected by me

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