The Optimal States to Head to When All Hell Breaks Loose


Just about every prepper has a “bug out” strategy, a plan in place for what to do when a survival crisis takes place and it's vital to move to a safer location (or even bug in).

Some may not consider where to go beyond “the camp” or another predesignated safe space.

So, will your bug out location cut it for long-term survival? And what obstacles and threats will exist in the world that could affect your quality of life? What is the optimal place to head to?

These types of questions are not asked often enough, especially if there's already a bug out location planned out.

However, knowing where to go in a pivotal survival situation or post-collapse is vital as knowing how to get there.

To discover what one man's opinion is on where the optimal places are to head in a survival situation as well as the best states, check out the following slide. 

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  1. Mike Riley said:

    I’m surprised my great state of Alaska didn’t make the list. When SHTF the best place to be is away from everyone else. Year round water supply, huntable lands, and enough resources for your fam. I just try and think like a guy living in 1000 bc. Alaska is worth researching friends!

  2. Tiffany Lampson said:

    Mike, as ideal as that would be, maybe it didn’t get listed because it’s likely not going to be an option to travel to once shtf. Being in Missouri, it would take way too long to get there, with many dangers along the way.

  3. Lindsey Fennig said:

    I didnt exactly agree with some if these states either…

    California? Come on shtf and everyone in LA is going north… thats alot of people

  4. Phillip Rutherford said:

    I believe living in the Missouri ozark area is a safe a place as any. I have year round hunting, I’m 3 miles from the lake, so plenty of fishing and water I can purify if needed.
    Even tho it is south of the Missouri River. But then again, it mentions Texas as a safe place, and it’s south also. But here I know is safer than Texas, I lived in Texas 50 years.

  5. John Parker said:

    In a NATO/WARSAW conflict Cali/Wash/Oregon are going to get lit up by China first, suprised Mn or Wisc werent on the list 10,000+ lakes 2 great lakes, easy access to Canada, i could fo on but you get it.

  6. Mike Riley said:

    How many nuke plants within a 500 mile radius in your area?

  7. Joey Blake said:

    Oh damn that’s a good point

    I think great lakes region and above near Canada is cool

  8. Tiffany Lampson said:

    True. But there were less humans then, easier to do so. Now most anywhere you go there’s bound to be someone in the way.

  9. Randy Helms said:

    People, you see where they commented this was the writer biased?

  10. Cal McNabb said:

    I’m in the Smokies. I could disappear with my family in a couple of hours and survive indefinitely.
    Plenty of game and resources.

  11. Bill Mercer said:

    Half the people wouldn’t survive their first winter in Alaska.

  12. Mike Riley said:

    It’s hard, I’ll give you that. I’ll take my chances with the frontier though. Haha I bet it would be harder in a metropolitan area.

  13. Jeffrey Manahan said:

    personally found this article a little amusing as it is a map of the nuclear power plants in this country.

  14. Willy Wold said:

    The guy who originally created the idea of the safest place to live moved to the Falkland Islands, several years later he lost a home and several family members killed in the attack.

  15. Scott Reasons said:

    It seems like the red dots are in the heavily populated areas and the wester plains are wide open.

  16. Mona L Harrison said:

    Stop putting this crap out there. Only cowards run. Prepare to hold your ground. Everyone I talk to is getting really pissed off. Not only will we Survive…AmeriCans THRIVE!

  17. Terry Pugesek said:

    Clueless as to the spots in Iowa and Wisconsin. Who makes up these ‘scenarios’ because most of ’em suck.

  18. Ivah Onstott said:

    You don’t want to be in eastern nebraska if something bad happens. That’s where the majority of the people live. And if the power goes out and there’s no food, you’re in trouble.

  19. Jeremy Johnson said:

    Thats before all the hillbillies come in and shoot everything . Kinda like deer season now except 200 times worse

  20. Joe Burchett said:

    Haha. Yeah…like there aren’t 50,000 more people thinking the same thing!

  21. Cal McNabb said:

    Joe Burchett, I guarantee that I know places you’ve never heard of and won’t find on any map.
    But, the people who would retreat to my mountains in a collapse are not the same type of people as the ones in urban areas.

  22. Sean Purdy said:

    run to the hilllllllllllssss, run for your liiiii eeeee iiiffffffe

  23. Hooey Timothy said:

    Some of the places as picks I would never ever go to again,plus more to say on this

  24. John Fletcher said:

    Be prepared to get eaten alive in Alaska during the warm months by mosquitoes.

  25. Wayne Smith said:

    Who ever came up with this does not even have a clue most of the places that was listed are first strike nuclear targets. The safest places will be KY,WV and the west side of the Appalachian mountains.

  26. Rob Dunleavy said:

    When you want to annoy a shameless liberal (which should be all the time) don’t waste your precious words on them, simply share this highly annoying video (annoying only to the shameless liberal, of course).

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