The Most Venomous Animal May Come as a Shock to You. It’s Not What You Would Expect…

snake eye

While there are many dangerous animals in the wilderness we thought to pin point one, consider the most dangerous of snakes. Its venom can kill you if you were to get bit, and that's not something you want to deal with. You do not want to run into this nasty crawly while on a nature hike!

The inland taipan, which also goes by the moniker “fierce snake,” is commonly accepted as the world's most venomous snake based on the potency of its venom. Its median lethal dose for mice has been calculated at 0.025mg/kg. It only hunts mammals, so its venom can wreak devastating effects on the human nervous system, blood, muscles and organs.
But the inland taipan lives in the remote deserts of central Australia and biologists describe it as reclusive. Its coastal cousin has a weaker venom, but it is considered by many to be more dangerous. It lives in dunes and woodlands along the tropical coast of Australia, where people are likely to come into contact with it.
As with most snakes, aggression is a last resort for the coastal taipan. But when it is threatened it can bite several times in quick succession, repeatedly delivering a full load of venom.

And there are other animals like scorpions and marine snails that are no less lethal! To read more on these and other snakes you will not want to stroll through while on a wilderness walk, check out the BBC.

Nature makes these animals what they are for a good reason. Sometimes it is wise for human beings to simply stay away or, at least, know what to expect. The danger is real so protect you and your companions with knowledge!

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