The Largest Alligator Ever Caught is Shocking!

As preppers, we try to learn as much as we can about the animals in the wild. That is because if we ever come face to face with them, we want to know whether we will be safe or whether we should find some place to set up camp. That's why preppers everywhere jaws will drop when they see the size of this alligator.

Many preppers and survivalists love to hear stories about how someone managed to catch a wild animal, especially if it is a really big one. This inspires us to think that maybe we can do the same.

Well, the alligator you get to see today will make you realize how truly awesome some of the creatures found in nature are. In fact, we just couldn't believe one this size actually existed. However, to see an alligator of this size might be a dream come true for survivalists!

To find out exactly what size the alligator is and how it was caught, head over to the next page.

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  1. Tom Fulton said:

    That’s not the world record. There have been gators of 18 feet recorded. And why did they feel a need to kill it? Assholes.

  2. Ed Cardinal said:

    Very huge alligator but far from the largest. There has been a few over 20ft actually. One I saw a documentary on was 21ft with 3 legs.

  3. Ed Cardinal said:

    Nope. At least 1 was an alligator. It was caught, moved and released (3 legs, 1 stump). One was tracked and disappeared and eventually thought shot. That one was a killer of several people and thought it was shot. That one I thought was an alligator but it may have been a croc. I’m not positive.

  4. Ed Cardinal said:

    Makes sense. People were washing their laundry in the river and it kept eating them.
    I’d probably opt to wear dirty clothes.

  5. Sean Mel said:

    I’ve seen one bigger than that at the state fair

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