The Largest Alligator Ever Caught is Shocking!

Every prepper knows that the unlikely can happen every day. We know that a collapse or disruptive event can happen at any moment. That is why we are always ready for anything.

That is also why this really large alligator being caught is so amazing because it proves that anything is possible even if it seems impossible to everyone else. This shows us that we can survive anything no matter what situation we may find ourselves in!

The Largest Alligator Ever Caught Weighs: 

Measuring 15 feet long and weighing in at a staggering 1,011.5 lbs, this giant alligator was pulled out of a river in Alabama on Saturday morning, becoming the largest ever caught. The woman who did so broke out her special pearl necklace to celebrate.

This guy was caught by Mandy Stokes and family outside Camden, Alabama after an epic battle that lasted throughout Friday night and into Saturday morning. Mandy's brother-in-law set the first hook at 10:30am and it wasn't until 5am on Saturday that she was able to fire the fatal shot with her shotgun into the base of the gator's skull.
The previous world record appears to have been held by a hunter in Texas, who bagged an 880 pounder back in 2007.


via Sharon Steinmann,

This story is truly incredible. It is also nothing short of amazing how they managed to catch it. This is definitely a once in a lifetime experience for most people.  If you find yourself faced with an alligator this size or maybe even larger when SHTF, you better hope you have as much luck as this family did!

To learn more about this alligator, please go to Gizmodo.


  1. Tom Fulton said:

    That’s not the world record. There have been gators of 18 feet recorded. And why did they feel a need to kill it? Assholes.

  2. Ed Cardinal said:

    Very huge alligator but far from the largest. There has been a few over 20ft actually. One I saw a documentary on was 21ft with 3 legs.

  3. Ed Cardinal said:

    Nope. At least 1 was an alligator. It was caught, moved and released (3 legs, 1 stump). One was tracked and disappeared and eventually thought shot. That one was a killer of several people and thought it was shot. That one I thought was an alligator but it may have been a croc. I’m not positive.

  4. Ed Cardinal said:

    Makes sense. People were washing their laundry in the river and it kept eating them.
    I’d probably opt to wear dirty clothes.

  5. Sean Mel said:

    I’ve seen one bigger than that at the state fair


