The ‘Fat Guys in the Woods’ Show Us How to Make a Buzzsaw Signaling Device

glow stick

A glow stick “buzzsaw” is a great way to enhance your chances of being seen in a survival setting.

It not only expands the light diameter you put out; its movement also catches attention.

There are many ways to signal for help in a survival situation, but one of the most effective is to use a glow stick; they are so effective in terms of attracting attention, that every survival kit should possess several.

By attaching one to a rope to swing the glow stick around, you increase your odds of getting noticed even more not just because of the light, but because activity attracts attention.

One Comment;

  1. Mark Todd Tsunokai said:

    Knew this a long time ago, while assigned to a Light Infantry Battalion. Good for those who don’t believe in the usefulness of a chem-lite as a signaling device.


