The ‘Fat Guys in the Woods’ Show Us How to Make a Buzzsaw Signaling Device

glow stick

If you get stranded during a survival moment, say you get lost hiking in the mountains, your best chance of being noticed and getting help from searchers is to signal them.

Even if no one is looking for you, an out-of-place signal usually is interpreted as a sign someone needs help. If they did not need help, why would they be signaling for help from anyone in the first place?

One great way to signal at night is to use a glow-stick. Glow sticks as most of us know are alternate light sources that use isolated chemicals than when mixed create Chemiluminescence, which yields a fluorescent light source seen at night for miles.

Glow sticks are inexpensive, easily stored and should be an important item every hiker, camper, and survivalist should keep as a part of their gear.

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One Comment;

  1. Mark Todd Tsunokai said:

    Knew this a long time ago, while assigned to a Light Infantry Battalion. Good for those who don’t believe in the usefulness of a chem-lite as a signaling device.


