The Annoying Weed That Could Help a Prepper Survive During a Collapse


If you haven't heard of Burdock, then you're in for a tasty bug out surprise. This weed is versatile and supposedly tastes good too! By the way, Burdock is also used as a medicine. But let’s concentrate on food for right now. Check out these yummy recipes. Give ‘em a try!

By the way, Burdock is also used as a medicine. But let’s concentrate on food for right now. Check out these yummy recipes. Give ‘em a try!

Burdock Root Stir Fry
Burdock root forms the basis of this quick and easy recipe:
•A handful of burdock roots
•Handful of other root vegetable such as carrot or parsnip
•Onion or shallot
•Spinach leaves
•Salt, or spices, such as cayenne pepper, or if available soy sauce
•Finely chopped meat or prawns (optional)
1.Take your burdock root. Top and tail and peel it as you would a carrot.
2.Thinly slice the burdock root and any other root you’re using, lengthways.
3.Slice all other ingredients thinly, including any meats
4.Add some oil or other grease to a shallow pan
5.Heat the oil until it is very hot and spread around the pan
6.Place all ingredients in the pan and cook really quickly, the trick to good stir fry is a hot and fast cooking method
You can add a scrambled egg to the stir fry too, once served!

Burdock Fries
Burdock is lovely roasted as fries in the oven.  Top, tail and peel the burdock root. Then slice into fries and place in the oven with oil and salt and cook for about 15 minutes at 450F.

Burdock Mash
Top, tail and peel the burdock root. Take some potatoes and prepare them for boiling. Cut the burdock root up as finely as you can. Roast the burdock root and boil the potatoes. Mash the two together with butter and/or milk and a little parsley. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Dandelion and Burdock ‘Pop’ (D&B)
My favorite. Nothing reminds me of childhood as much as this sweet soft drink. This drink is a little like a root beer and somewhat like sarsaparilla. It is an old drink, dating back to the 13th century in England. I doubt that version of D&B would have been anything like my childhood drink. The recipe here is a more modern, sweet version, but you can leave the sweetness out if you prefer, or substitute sugar for honey.
Dandelion & Burdock
Dandelion & Burdock – also commercially available
•Dandelion root – several roots, ground up
•Burdock root – 2 large roots, ground up
•Vanilla – either pod (1/2) or essence (1 tsp)
•pinch of cinnamon or all spice
•1 lemon or lime
•300g sugar
•1 pint of water
1.Make sure the roots are clean.
2.Chop the roots up as finely as you can and place them in a pan with the water.
3.Add the vanilla pod/essence, cinnamon and lemon juice to the pan
4.Boil for about 20 minutes.
5.Strain the liquid, removing the roots into a container
6.While still warm, add the sugar and stir till dissolved
7.You will now have a cordial to dilute to taste
Serve with soda or still water!

As great as the recipes are up above you should go over to Ask A Prepper and learn more about this handy root. As we’ve mentioned before, it has medicinal uses and has for hundreds of years. Europeans, Chinese and Indians can tell you all about the health benefits of Burdock!

In other words, do not dismiss this amazing plant and plan now to make it an important part of your bug-out preparation!


  1. Sam Mausolf said:

    If you’re going to talk about burdock. at least put up the right image of what you’re talking about instead of getting people confused!!!


