The Annoying Weed That Could Help a Prepper Survive During a Collapse


Some people find themselves annoyed with the tall, leafy Burdock plant and mostly for a good reason.

If you’ve ever passed one while hiking a trail or preparing to camp-out, more than likely you’ve gotten a shirt full of some sticky burrs. It’s what Burdock does.

Fortunately, the hardship of Burdock gets outweighed by the benefit of being such an amazing plant!

Burdock is usually about four feet tall, has purple flowers when they blossom during the Summer months, and the plant from top to root is eatable – and quite tasty!

Over on the next page, we will show you some simple and tasty recipes and food made from Burdock!

You will be surprised by how versatile it is! There are even Burdock coffee and soft drinks! Take a look!

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  1. Sam Mausolf said:

    If you’re going to talk about burdock. at least put up the right image of what you’re talking about instead of getting people confused!!!


