Survival Fishing Techniques And Tips You Need To Know

Fishing is the easiest, most low energy way to get access to survival food external to prepared food you may have brought with you.

With few exceptions, fish are abundant in just about every setting (even some urban settings) and they are an easy to catch in most circumstances – provided you either have the right gear or can scavenge and find gear that will work.

Fortunately, humans being humans, trash abounds just about everywhere and much of it can be used to catch bait or used as fishing tools – you can also usually find actual fishing line and lures in any area where fishing is popular.

The video on the next page will show you how to scavenge for fishing equipment and how to use trash and your surroundings as fishing tools in order to land yourself some dinner.


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One Comment;

  1. Jonathon Dean Swift said:

    I always find left behind gear at the lake; half my fishing tackle is scavenged. Ill get bobbers out of trees, [carry an old speaker on some string and run it around on the ground at campsites] hooks and weights scattered, dip the magnet in the firepits and find nails and screws from people burning pallets and such, even old spools i find help winding up my trot lines safely


