Strong Earthquakes Hit San Francisco and Mount St. Helens – Experts Believe They Are Foreshocks for ‘Something Larger’

San Francisco Earthquake

It doesn't matter where a person lives in the US, there's always a risk of a catastrophe. Tornadoes happen in the Midwest, near the Atlantic ocean there are hurricanes, and lately, in California, it's fires and mudslides.

Disasters can take place anytime or anywhere, which is why it's vital we know what can take place near us. As we prepare and plan for potential survival scenarios we must keep in mind any likely scenario. Yes, there are precursors for potential events to come, but the truth is we don't know the exact time or place something could happen. This, of course, is minus the wildfire you can see glowing in the distance and looks like it is coming toward your home — better get out fast!

Lately, earthquakes have happened in San Francisco and Mount St. Helens. Even though earthquakes near Mount St. Helens are fairly common, it's the frequency and a few other factors that are concerning experts. They think it could be a sign that something stronger may be coming.

To find out which signs experts are seeing that is causing them to believe that a catastrophic earthquake could be taking place in the near future, head to the next page.

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  1. Mike Floyd said:

    Finally we have some hope of being rid of the liberal crap .

  2. Nic Jerome said:

    I’ll stick with God, you can pick mother nature… let’s see who’s sacrifice ignites first.

  3. Kip Cudd said:

    Well they might secede with God’s blessing finally! Get ready for new beach front property!

  4. Paul Belcher said:

    If it happens, will they change the name from San Andreas to Trump’s Fault?

  5. Chris Brown said:

    Don’t blame mother nature because people live where mother nature clearly gives them warning signs not to live

  6. Shiloh Spencer said:

    Every time I try to read anything on here there’s a survival guide pop up that I can’t get rid of it sucks because I can never read anything

  7. Raymond Anderson said:

    there are still many good non-liberals in Kommiefornia. Also most of us are better then the liberals we dont wish such things onto them even if they are eating tide pods and demanding we all be burned for owning guns. they already had brutal fires and mud slides do not stoop to their level like they did when Texas was hit by hurricane Harvey.

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