Step By Step Guide To Tree Stump Removal

If you have a tree stump that you'd like to remove on your own, there's no doubt as a modern-day survivalist you can check this task off your list in no time. In fact, there are a few methods you can use to safely remove a tree stump without causing injury and simplifying the process.

You should know going into this project that it will take some time, but its not difficult to do.  Basically, as long as you have the desire to remove the stump, you'll be able to do it. Just be patient, because the process in some of the steps require “rest” time.

What does this project entail? You'll be drilling holes, using stump remover, and a few other supplies to get the job done.

Whether you're removing the stump because it's taking up too much space, has turned into a tripping hazard, or it's become infested with insects – there's always a solution.

On the following page, we'll show you how to get started on this tree stump removal process!


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