So, How Do You Know Things Are About to Get Stupid in a Public Location?

people in a crowd

With all of the terrorist attacks that are happening around it, it's hard to feel safe. So, how do you avoid the ignorance of the masses during an emergency? Use your eyes and your ears! Read more on how you can train yourself to be more aware below:

Watch and Listen

It’s not terribly difficult to pay attention to the ‘tone’ or drone of your environment. It doesn’t take long to establish a ‘normal’ for a given place. You can train yourself to be subconsciously aware of the sounds that go along with a given environment. At first it’s a forced thing (to listen), but after awhile it’s second nature.

When the rhythm of ‘the sound’ changes beyond what seems ‘normal’, then it may indicate that there’s a ripple in the force… something has changed or is changing… Maybe it’s not a bad thing, but there’s ‘something’…

Maybe you’re hearing raised voices that seem unusual for the place. Maybe you’re hearing an alarming tone change in voices. Maybe it’s not voices at all, but there’s a new sound that hasn’t been there and seems out of place.

People often feel ‘too safe’ as they cannot comprehend being amidst a rapidly changing (dangerous) situation – because it has never happened to them before (therefore they assume it never will).

Pay attention to the behavior and reactions of the people around you.

It might seem obvious, but trust your gut. Train yourself to notice these minor little changes in your surroundings. When something seems off, it’s better to play it safe and assume the worst, rather than getting stuck in a crowded public place where things will get ugly. For more advice on how to avoid these situations, visit the Modern Survival Blog.

Featured Image via Simon Abrams/Flickr


