Shadows – A Fail-Safe Navigational Tool

If you do not have a map of where you will be hiking or traversing, you should familiarize yourself with landmarks beforehand and then use this tool and those landmarks to gauge your way back to civilization.

You do have to be able to see a shadow, but even on most cloudy days, you can get a shadow if you look carefully.

Simply stand a 3-foot stick on end and place a small rock where the tip of the shadow falls.

Wait 10-15 minutes and place a second rock at the point to where the tip of the shadow has moved.

Draw a line between the two points. This is an east-west line. Place the toe of your left foot at the first rock and the toe of your right foot at the second rock; you will now be facing north.

If you are ever uncertain which direction the lines run, remember that anywhere on earth, the first shadow mark will always be west, the second east.

Once you know these four directions, determine the route that you need to travel.

Two final points:

Another way to gauge direction is to face East and to your left is north and right, south. Reverse that if you are facing West.

You should stay put if you are only recently lost and there is likely people searching for you – only move as a last resort or if there is no way they will be able to find you.

To learn about other navigational aids, check out Preparedness Advice.



