Self-Sufficiency on a Boat – The Ultimate in Off-Grid!


When mos to of us think “self sufficient” or “of grid,” we think growing most of our own food or cutting out the power company.

Deciding to live on a boat, however, is the pinnacle of self-sufficiency as this video illustrates.

As the video showed, being truly self-sufficient requires a different outlook on life.

One miscalculation on land and keeping your house warm might be a challenge; miscalculate on a boat in the middle of the ocean and you are at the mercy of the weather, hoping some good soul happens by that can help.

While living on a boat is an extreme example of self-sufficiency, it has practical lessons for all of us: Be as prepared as possible, constantly plan and be ready to adapt to the unforeseen – like an engine failure.

What do you think? Tell us below.


  1. Clay Nroht said:

    well let me tell you if living on land ends then the wave that gets created will destroy any boat!


