See How You Can Build An Inexpensive 3 Month Food Supply

When it comes to stockpiling food some say two weeks is good and others insist three to six months are best. Whatever is best (for you) check out the following and think about what steps you might take for an inexpensive prepping experience.

Grown and Can: The first option is to become efficient at producing your own food and the preservation of said sustenance. Growing fruits and vegetables, as well as raising meat, is the most healthy and sustainable option. Learning to can (canning jars) vegetables, fruits and some meats can provide your family with steady and healthy food.

Canned Foods (metal cans): Not the healthiest, but canned foods from grocery stores have an incredibly long shelf life. If the contents are stored correctly and in undamaged cans, the meat, pasta, vegetables and fruit can last for decades.

Dry Goods: This type of food should be stockpiled in addition to canned and homegrown food. Rice, beans, pasta and other such food can last for over 20 years when stored correctly. Using five gallon buckets and Mylar bags are excellent and proven methods to store such food.

Drying, Smoking and Curing Meats: Making your own hams, preserving chicken through canning, making beef jerky and biltong and drying fish and meats can provide a long-term solution for preserving meat protein for your family.

Other:  Other food items you may want to consider to supplement your stockpile include honey, vinegar and alcohol.

Creating a life-sustaining stockpile is vitally important. As survivalists we know this. The above are great methods for prepping for an emergency, to help you and your family.

Go to Off the Grid for other inexpensive life sustaining tips, tricks and foods, including the use of honey, alcohol, and drying, smoking and curing meats.

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