Scoring, Juggling and Hewing: How to Convert Logs to Lumber the Old Fashioned Way

logs and timber

Modern life has allowed us to take a lot of things for granted.

One area virtually everyone takes for granted is lumber – we go to a box home improvement store, pick out the size we want, buy it, take it home and use it as we intended (hopefully).

Almost none of us give any thought to how that 2×4 got to those dimensions – we see the end product and for most of us, that is enough!

There is, however, an entire process that went into felling a tree, cutting it down, cutting the timber to the desired dimensions and then hewing it so that it is not one giant splinter and is somewhat plumb.

To see how that is done by hand, check out the next page.

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  1. James Roberts said:

    I love this stuff. Just one of many skills you should know if stf happens

  2. Antonio Arce said:

    These skills can be learned at north Bennet street school in Boston Massachusetts. Preservation carpentry

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