Re-Use Those Silica Gel Packets!

silica gel packet

They are present in so many items that for decades, most of us simply throw them away – but you should save your Silica Gel Packets for other uses around your house.

Drop a few in with seeds you are storing, for example, and you can prevent them from being damaged by mold and mildew; here are some other ideas for those old Silica Gel Packets!

• Put packs in your ammo cans and gun cases/safes to keep dry.
• Protect personal papers and important documents by putting some gel in a baggie wherever these are stored.
• Store in camera bags and with film. After snapping photos in cold or wet conditions, silica gel will absorb moisture to keep your lens from fogging or streaking.
• Leave a couple packs in your tool box to prevent rusting.
• Stash some in window sills to banish condensation.
• Dry out electronic items such as cellphones and iPods. Remember after the device has gotten wet, do not turn it back on! Pull out the battery and memory card and put the device in a container filled with several packs. Leave it in there at least overnight.
• Slow silver tarnishing by using the gel in jewelry boxes and with your silverware.
• Tired of buying big bags of pet food only to have it get soggy? Store your kibble in a bin and tape some silica packs to the bottom of the lid.
• Cut open the packs and saturate the beads with essential oils to create potpourri.
• Use in luggage while traveling.
• Tuck some in your pockets. Hide them in your closet in leather goods such as coats and shoes, and even handbags, to help them survive life in storage.
• Squirrel some away in your car, especially on your dashboard. This will help maintain a clear windshield and leave it less foggy during times of high humidity.

We see them in virtually every type of packaging, but chances are you throw them away with as much thought as you give those Styrofoam peanuts.

But there are many ways you can re-purpose Silica Gel Packets and ensure your household items are protected from mold, mildew, and moisture damage!

To learn more ideas for reusing Silica Gel Packets, please visit the Mother Nature Network.


  1. Justin Hull said:

    Don’t you guys just love the brainwashed people of this magnificent world……hail baphamet, hail entertainment, hail fake food, hail the feds, hail the global elite and the tyrannical government’s they control… Face the facts people this country is headed for economic collapse,martial law,gun grab,civil war,invasion and so on. The world is about to witness the horrific mass depopulation of whole country’s and the only way for us to win is by force and will only be achieved if we work as one. divided we will fall, united we stand brothers and sisters of earth we must fight these wicked people as they have already committed to our enslavement and soon to be deaths…stand up and fight for it is your right to live and be free so be smart inform family friends and brace your selves for the final stages of the elites master plan be safe and God bless America


