Re-Use Those Silica Gel Packets!

silica gel packet

You find them in the bottom of literally thousands of items – new shoe packages, in the bottom of bottles, virtually everything that requires packaging has at least a couple lurking around, silently fulfilling their purpose of absorbing moisture.

Moisture in many items can literally destroy things – leaving them susceptible to mold and mildew, rust and even in some cases, affecting performance, such as can happen with certain electronics.

The Silica Gel Packet was a “savior” in many instances as it offered a cheap way to absorb moisture and to ensure that items stayed fresher longer and were protected from the risks listed above.

That same thinking can be employed by you after their intended purpose has run its course!

On the next page, we list several ways to use those Silica Gel Packets around your home or work!

Next Page »


  1. Justin Hull said:

    Don’t you guys just love the brainwashed people of this magnificent world……hail baphamet, hail entertainment, hail fake food, hail the feds, hail the global elite and the tyrannical government’s they control… Face the facts people this country is headed for economic collapse,martial law,gun grab,civil war,invasion and so on. The world is about to witness the horrific mass depopulation of whole country’s and the only way for us to win is by force and will only be achieved if we work as one. divided we will fall, united we stand brothers and sisters of earth we must fight these wicked people as they have already committed to our enslavement and soon to be deaths…stand up and fight for it is your right to live and be free so be smart inform family friends and brace your selves for the final stages of the elites master plan be safe and God bless America


