Psychological Hacks That Will Change it All in a SHTF Situation

a game of chess

Psychological cues form our interactions, regardless of the situation, whether we are aware of it or not. If you're suddenly dealing with a criminal, knowing how to calming deal with that situation when SHTF could be the difference between life and death.

These basic tips can help you assess your interactions, whether you are talking to your boss at work, your subordinates or in a survival situation.

If you ask someone a question and they give a short response; Just wait, keep quiet and remain eye contact. They will usually pick up where they off from.

If you’re joining a conversation, look at the person’s feet. If they don’t turn their feet and just turn their torsos, they don’t want you to join in. In the same way, if talking to a coworker, and you think they’re invested in the conversation. If their torso is turned towards you and not their feet, they probably want it to end.

People will remember you not by your words, but how you made them feel. Also, people love talking about themselves, so just ask lots of question about them.

Most guys in a fist fight will try to end it with right hook instinctively.
If you want really want something for someone, disguise it as an offer than a request.

You can judge a person characteristics by seeing how they treat people who they don’t know.

No matter who you are talking to, virtually everyone gives off a vibe that lets you assess what they are really thinking or what they think of you.

Knowing that vibe can help you make decisions about them and whatever situation you are facing.

To learn more about psychological cues and how to read them, check out MensXP.

One Comment;

  1. Graham Wright said:

    Read a book on Poker tells such as ‘ Read ’em and Reap ‘ by Phil Hellmuth . Read it several times till you can read a room from a distance .


