Psychological Hacks That Will Change it All in a SHTF Situation

a game of chess

This is one of those articles that covers an area that is equally helpful whether you are running through your daily life or facing a survival situation or SHTF moment.

The dirty little secret about being a prepared survivalist is that virtually everything you should be doing to make it through a survival situation, you should be doing in your everyday life.

Obviously, you need shelter, food, and water. You have to be able to treat wounds and navigate. You need to have a network of allies to help you make it through.

Psychologically, it is no different. Your attitude can ensure whether you are successful or a casualty of whatever you are facing.

Being able to read social cues in your interactions also can ensure your success or failure – regardless of your situation.

To learn some of the cues you must look out for, check out the next page.

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One Comment;

  1. Graham Wright said:

    Read a book on Poker tells such as ‘ Read ’em and Reap ‘ by Phil Hellmuth . Read it several times till you can read a room from a distance .


