Pemmican – The Ultimate Survival Food


Pemmican is one of those amazing “super” foods that is easy to make, lightweight, compact and very high in protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.

If correctly made, it has a shelf life of a few years up to a lifetime and can be stored in almost any environment without going bad.

Invented by Native Americans and later used by trappers, cowboys and virtually anyone out in the wilderness of the old West, Pemmican in many cases was not only the only food available, but it was also a life-saver.

Pemmican is lean, dried beef that gets crushed into a powder and mixed with hot, rendered fat. Make Pemmican with any meat, but the favorites are beef, venison, and pork.

If you're talented enough, it'll come out tasty (well as tasty as pemmican can get, anyway)

Grab the ingredients/recipe on pg2.

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  1. Jason Taylor said:

    Id rather eat the boogers out of a dead crackhead… This is one of the foods that I just cannot eat..

  2. Tony Fugitt said:

    Thin and edible! Modern day suvival. Eat your house. lol good idea.

  3. James Sexton said:

    Bryan Gandy Cory Mays Scott Mays didn’t we eat these at Philmont?

  4. Scott Mays said:

    Yeah Pemican bars you can get them at the Cupboard if you want a flashback.

  5. Don Taylor said:

    Yeah survival situations you will be fighting over the fatty cuts of meat lol…..

  6. Jordan Hoy said:

    Beth Bausman Hoy this is where I saw it talking about the ridiculously high shelf life

  7. Rusty Hammett said:

    If you render the fat from grass fed animals you really want the fat. It is where all the vitamins and minerals are stores.

  8. Gary P Bryant said:

    Remember it well (the military version) better than starving to death and beats pinecone cupcakes.

  9. Jason Taylor said:

    hmm it might be better then pemmican… Damn you Jon Bassett for putting me in this dilemma…

  10. John Knight said:

    Damn sure looks like sum good weed straight from mexico with that compressed$#%&!@*

  11. James Cater said:

    STOP! One key element in this article is the possibility of killing yourself from Botulism. Do not add hot fat strait off the heat or from the crockpot or you will cook the dried meat. Once you do that and ingest it a few days (or months) later your done for. The fat needs to be only warm enought to be pliable for the mixture, not HOT.

  12. Andy Idalski said:

    Damn guys don’t know what your missing . It’s like a cliff bar on steroids . Taste good too

  13. Andy Idalski said:

    The meat is dryed this meat was usually smoked for days while drying . So the meat is already cooked. So that it kills the bacteria. My grandma makes for us for when we go hunting . Should know what ya talkn bout before ya tell people it’s gonna kill them. Just putting that out there. It specifically said if made RIGHT . Make it right and you have nothing to worry about.

  14. James Cater said:

    Sorry Andy do your research. dried meat is not cooked it’s dehydrated. Smoking high above a fire is not the same as cooking it. You can still cook dehydrated food because it has not been cooked before. Look at any dehydrated prepper food. The only thing you will ever get fully cooked comes in a can.

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