Pemmican – The Ultimate Survival Food


Pemmican is one of those amazing “super” foods that is easy to make, lightweight, compact and very high in protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.

If correctly made, it has a shelf life of a few years up to a lifetime and can be stored in almost any environment without going bad.

Invented by Native Americans and later used by trappers, cowboys and virtually anyone out in the wilderness of the old West, Pemmican in many cases was not only the only food available, but it was also a life-saver.

Pemmican is lean, dried beef that gets crushed into a powder and mixed with hot, rendered fat. Make Pemmican with any meat, but the favorites are beef, venison, and pork.

If you're talented enough, it'll come out tasty (well as tasty as pemmican can get, anyway)

Grab the ingredients/recipe on pg2.

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  1. Karl Burditt said:

    I have this with seeds and nuts . lol looks like hash, the military calls it ” grass” when they use it . ha ha ha ! Now that is truly funny .

  2. Jeremy Childress said:

    Or you can just make your own beef jerky and dried fruit that will keep for a long period of time as well and you can skip all of the fat

  3. joel said:

    what kind of food processors did indians have

  4. Ryder Johnson said:

    The Donner party lived off people!!! Bet they still wouldn’t touch that crap!!

  5. Steven Eckhardt said:

    I’ve made lots of it out of buffalo. Rendered the fat and mixed dried berries. Honestly say it’s not a snickers bar but it will keep you alive and healthy.

  6. Billie Romanovich said:

    You want the fat if it’s for legit survival. One piece of this, depending on how large, can supply a whole days worth of energy/calories. & that’s helpful if you don’t know when the next meal will be.


