Outrageous Ways People Have Accidentally Died


From the painfully foolish and incredibly ironic, there are all kinds of accidental deaths happening. Perhaps by reading about some of these outrageous deaths below you'll prevent yourself from being one of these unfortunate souls. Here are three to remind you not to do these things…

Wearing Too Long a Scarf
In the 1920s, Dancer Isadora Duncan was a ravishing beauty with a long, slender neck. She also enjoyed wearing long flowing scarves and going for drives in the French countryside. Unfortunately, that combination of desires proved to be fatal: while sitting in the passenger seat of a sports car, her red scarf blew back and got caught in the rear-wheel axle, snapping her lovely neck in two and killing her instantly.

Playing Too Many Video Games
To say that Lee Seung Seop had a video game addiction is somewhat of an understatement – he quit his job in order to devote more time to playing. In August 2005, he began a marathon video game at a local South Korean coffeeshop. Playing for 50 hours straight, only stopping for naps or bathroom breaks, he collapsed from dehydration and heart failure. Game over.

Jumping Off the Eiffel Tower in a Parachute Suit Test
Franz Reichelt, a French tailor, was obsessed with his idea of creating a wearable parachute suit for aviators who might be in danger. He called himself The Flying Tailor, and arranged to have a test run for his invention atop the Eiffel Tower on Feb. 4, 1912, promising to use a dummy. It turns out he did use a dummy – himself – and horrified onlookers watched as he strapped on the para-suit and promptly plunged to his death. Thanks to YouTube, his first and final jump has been preserved for all to watch.

Ugh! That scarf one is really scary. And these are only three stories of the ridiculous ways people have died! To read about even more stupid ways that people have accidentally killed themselves, visit Oddee! Please… learn from the mistakes of those that went before you.

Featured Image via Vicky Brock/Flickr


