Outrageous Ways People Have Accidentally Died


The world can be a dangerous place. Just watch the news – tragedy seems to be a constant in our world. Turn on the TV and you’ll see devastation all over: famine, disease, natural disaster, homicide. People are dying all the time.

And while tragic, the deaths can sometimes be absolutely ridiculous… especially if you are careless and foolish enough not to pay attention to what might seem obvious to the average person. Like, for example, not testing our your new invention on yourself and jumping off of the Eiffel Tower. You’d think these things would be obvious, right?! Well, they're not.

Like, for example, not testing our your new invention on yourself and jumping off of the Eiffel Tower. You’d think these things would be obvious, right?! Well, they're not.

Here are three outrageous deaths that have been complete accidents. Take a look on the next page to see how these unfortunate individuals ended up…

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