NASA Prepares for an Asteroid Impact: ‘It’s going to happen’


What would you do if you knew there was an asteroid heading your way directly or near your home?

Do you have an action plan for your family? NASA is making preparations for a possible asteroid strike and encourages you to do the same.

Late last year, emergency officials teamed up with NASA to simulate an asteroid hit in El Segundo, California. In the first part of the simulation experience, they elaborated on a situation where an object had a 65% chance of hitting the planet.

Afterward, they couldn't observe the moving object for about four months. Later on in the simulation, they find something heading directly towards the Los Angeles area with an impact probability of 100%. They proceed with an evacuation.

Go to the next page to read FEMA's take on the simulation and future asteroid hit.

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  1. Johnny White said:

    just a bounch of crap ,dont watch it says onething and talks about another,,,one of them click to see another page crap

  2. Brandon Rohlfs said:

    According to research the highest probability for an impact is in June and November.

  3. Doug Boyd said:

    Nope, after impact, you will want to join us in Canada. That’s ok, we really are nice up here

  4. Terry Marcellini said:

    There’s a theory they will use a nuclear weapon to cause a tidal wave so NASA can blame it on an asteroid!

  5. Stephen Melton said:

    Perez..calm down..its obvious sarcasm escapes you..

    We all know Los Angeles would be a much better place…

  6. Mark Frazier said:

    Kinda scary how easy it is to make an official looking “news site” these days…..

  7. Scot Butterfield said:

    Is that all Muslims cut only christians heads off or is it a tiny fraction of Muslims kill other Muslims n some Christian and anyone else that disagrees with them??

  8. Scot Butterfield said:

    And Rob Anderson just because not the same to YOU, doesn’t mean it isn’t the same . It is in fact the same, whether you can except it or not.

  9. Wayne Smith said:

    Satan’s children are hiding the wrath of God from the people. Revelations 8:8 And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood;

  10. Joel Merth said:

    She would just threaten to move to Canada if it wasn’t diverted somehow…

  11. Rick Haas said:

    Bye bye homesteading freedom. You seem to have a hard time sticking to real events.
    You used to be a decent page, now you SUCK!

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