NASA Prepares for an Asteroid Impact: ‘It’s going to happen’


What would you do if you knew there was an asteroid heading your way directly or near your home?

Do you have an action plan for your family? NASA is making preparations for a possible asteroid strike and encourages you to do the same.

Late last year, emergency officials teamed up with NASA to simulate an asteroid hit in El Segundo, California. In the first part of the simulation experience, they elaborated on a situation where an object had a 65% chance of hitting the planet.

Afterward, they couldn't observe the moving object for about four months. Later on in the simulation, they find something heading directly towards the Los Angeles area with an impact probability of 100%. They proceed with an evacuation.

Go to the next page to read FEMA's take on the simulation and future asteroid hit.

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  1. Ron Colson said:

    I thought ISON was the big one what ever happened to that big space t**d

  2. Mark Dempsey said:

    Not that it matters to you guys, but here in Europe there’s absolutely no mention of this whatsoever……..we’d rather stick our heads up our asses searching for Trump trivia.

  3. Ace Marts said:

    Where’s superman when you need em…
    Get the justice league on the phone!

  4. Gage Klok said:

    As a billboard installer, I would just like to say that we don’t have any boards big enough….

  5. Angelo Salerno said:

    If the impact will be on the east coast, for me there is nothing I could do but enjoy the show.

  6. Laura Brown said:

    The world is already full of articles designed to scare people, I didn’t subscribe to this one to be bombarded with the same BS. Come on HomeSteading Freedom, be better than this.

  7. Thomas Daniel Gunter said:

    Apart from prayers, how do you “prepare” for something like that? Your bug out kit probably won’t be enough in the winter that will follow…

  8. Richard Westlund said:

    Scot Butterfield you see that, and I see that, but those that have to cut the heads off Christians don’t see that.

  9. Nathan Ekers said:

    s**t ben affleck is batman now. No need to worry with that drilling crew

  10. Bobby G Coffey said:

    The Bible says “in the end there will be great signs from the heavens”

  11. Michael Creedy said:

    What’s that blue marble round thing hurtling through space then? Ha ha. NASA is a disgusting government scam. How you can post such crap is beyond me ….

  12. Gary Trout said:

    GOD could stop it, but we’ll just trust you instead. Lmao

  13. John Marchetti said:

    I’d like to worry about this but Kim Kardashian gained 10 pounds last week.

  14. Jeff Hickner said:

    I am 48 years old and the earth was to come to a end at least 3-4 times! Lol. If it happens so be it

  15. Doug Van Ranken said:

    Some of us in the Midwest thought the asteroid had already struck Earth, but later found out that Rosie just fell out of bed!

  16. Brad Bone said:

    No more protesters and New York is gone and yes Washington

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