NASA Admits to Spraying Lithium Into Our Atmosphere

airplane lines in the air

New evidence has emerged as of late that NASA sprayed unusual substances into our atmosphere. Officials have told us that the chemicals were “harmless to our environment,” but we're skeptical how these chemicals wouldn't harm humans.

From what we've heard breathing in mind-altering drugs can have serious health ramifications. Too bad this NASA revelation isn't as shocking as similar circumstances have happened before.

For example, on January 25th, 1945 in Grand Rapids, Michigan information was released to the public about how the government added chemicals into the public water supply. You should know that today 61.2% of our United States population depends on public water that has fluoride levels. These levels  exceed the recommended maximum dosage that is safe for consumption. Fluoride isn't a medication, it should be known that it is a toxic waste byproduct.

Exposure to substances like fluoride can cause thyroid issues, kidney problems, and additionally, health issues like bone formation. Plus, it's scary to learn that it can also reduce cognitive abilities.

That's why we aren't really surprised that our government is adding chemicals into our atmosphere. What's even worse is that they are disguising it as medicients. NASA claims the chemicals won't harm us, but let's be real — these chemicals are also used to treat psychiatric patients.

So we'd like to investigate further as to why these chemicals are being released into our air. To learn more about this frightening yet important topic, check out the next page. There's also a video to watch that'll reveal even more about what is really going on.

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  1. Mara Spitzer said:

    I have shared 2 articles on this that were false…this one has no date i would like to know who keeps circulated these they keep changing so the look new…i keep hoping they are real but no…especially with no date…sorry to tell ya but im betting this is another one

  2. Destiny McKinley said:

    You know what lithium is used for? Mental patients. It’s used as an antipsychotic.

  3. Sandy Harapetian said:

    There are different parts of the chemical used for different things. E.g.. lithium in battery vs lithium in meds. Lithium exists naturally on earth. It has to be burned for the smoke to be inhaled in the lungs… that is hazardous to our health. E.g.. battery blowing up or mechanics inhaling it… Now if NASA is spraying it in the air it is beyond the earth atmosphere where it does not affect us …

  4. Sandy Harapetian said:

    Here it says it is part of the rockets blast off. That is activating the chemical however, the part of lithium being used is not harmful to us. I’ll send you a link for lithium

  5. Adam Shields said:

    A list of patents used in hurricanes..they been doing this$#%&!@*for years and if you choose not to believe it then hey go on..a con trail is not supposed to hang in the sky for fucking 4 hours..

  6. Sonny Jobe said:

    Not sure if I trust diehardsurvivor as a official source for NASA.

  7. Kenneth Goodman said:

    Whatever. The world is a big place. There isn’t enough lithium in the world to make this big enough to adversely effect anyone’s health.

  8. Tom Bergstrand said:

    I think these are miniscule amounts that are necessarily part of Jet Fuel. It’s NOT a conspiracy but rather a fact of life if you want to fly. What is in automobile exhaust ? Sure there’s a smidge of stuff that isn’t safe BUT in tiny amounts are acceptable UNLESS you want to walk. The BIG question is “How much of this bad stuff is REALLY in the Jet Trails”? There’s a price tag on EVERYTHING.

  9. Steven Hyde said:

    They also admit they don’t “know” the long term ramifications of lithium on us when it settles!

  10. Chris Donnelly said:

    Right, the same element that is super expensive to make batteries and NASA had so much it could atomize it in massive amounts. Sure. Sounds totally realistic

  11. Sara Brown said:

    As well as Aluminum, Strontium, Barium and whatever the$#%&!@*they want to do. everything you need to know is there. Thanks for tagging me Rob Baker

  12. Sara Brown said:

    I have a lot of good information. I have been researching this for almost 10 years. I was in denial for a bit, followed by I hope someone will save us. It’s up to us people. We have to spread awareness. This is urgent. I would like to find a group or start one in the Dover, NH area where I live. Please let me know if there is a group or an interest to start one. I am a die hard survivor!

  13. Joshua Neises said:

    Just look up everyday all day and night.!
    Or keep your head up your ars!

  14. Brandon Perkins said:

    And to power your phone, lol

    I used be on massive doses of this stuff and never helped, much better as a battery, lol

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