NASA Admits That They Sprayed Lithium Into the Atmosphere

airplane lines in the air

People speak out about Russians having state-controlled media and not allowing freedom of press. Is that any different than what happens in the U.S.? The only exception is that Russians know their media is “in charge” of the state. Sometimes we can be naive since many of us are prideful and actually believe CNN news is telling the truth.

The taking over the lives and minds of people happens secretly. It is done in the shadows so that no one knows what has been happening until it's too late.

If you've ever read the dystopian book Brave New World, then you may recognize some of the signs. Who knows — there may be a future government who may keep their people subjected by medicating everyone. The questions we should ask ourselves is if we're going to bury our heads in the sand or at least know what is going on.

Source: NASAWaking Times


  1. Tracy Shell said:

    I couldn’t read the article bc of your ridiculous pop up ad for your “pocket survival guide”. I’ll give this page one more chance for that to change so I can easily “X” out of it on my cell phone and then I’ll have to unfollow.


