Make This Simple And Effective Earth Oven!

Just think, a survivalists dream come true! A backyard earth oven that is serviceable and attention-grabbing!

There are actually a few good reasons why someone might want to build an outdoor earth oven. First, building it is pretty easy if you follow the instructions given. Second, baking and/or cooking with it gets you outdoors away from the chaos of your house’s kitchen and … Third, your spouse will be forever grateful to see that all the strange (but marvelously edible) experiments you’ve brought inside of her or his house can now be cooked outside!

One might add, if the world ever goes off the grid you already have a step-up on food prep that others, in the neighborhood, might not be aware of.

Also, the oven does not have to be “ugly”. With a little polishing of the stones, and an oven door, this simple earth oven will look as impressive as it is functional.

On page 2, we'll show you how to Make This Simple And Effective Earth Oven!

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