Make This Paracord Wrist Lanyard In Under An Hour


This wrist lanyard lets you use a tool like an ax, knife, hammer or hoe and essentially attach it to your wrist, which lets you use both hands without having to set the tool down.

Best of all, it is easy to make and almost anyone can master it in under an hour!

Cutting your cord

You will need 3 feet for the guts (the insides) and 7-8 feet for the actual weave. I did 9 feet and had a foot on each side to spare.

The weave

Put the middle of the long piece about half an inch down the guts. Then make a loop. With the top piece of cord put it over the bottom piece and behind the guts. Then put the cord through the loop on the left.

Last pull it tight.

Now do the same thing but with the first loop on the right side.

Fitting it to the wrist

Check how far your weave is every once in a while by putting the guts through the loop and pulling tightly. Once the weave is about 1/4-1/2 and inch away from the loop stop.

Finishing the weave

When the weave is in the right spot, cut the two outer pieces of cord. Then burn the cut end.

Attaching it
Thread the guts through the loop. Tie a knot a the end of the guts.

Once you have made a few of these, it literally becomes muscle memory and you can get one done within minutes. You also will be amazed at how many tools you have where this wrist lanyard can come in handy.

For more information on this lanyard and other practical survival and useful ideas, please check out Instructables.


  1. Geoff Brown said:

    Can make several of them in that time . Takes 10 minutes at the most for a beginner

  2. Kyle Anderson said:

    They had to say an hour because some idiot will try it and spend 40 minutes just figuring it out and 20 mins doing it.


