Make This Paracord Wrist Lanyard In Under An Hour

Just about all of us have been in this situation: You're working on an important project that involves the repetitious use of a tool. But for certain steps in this project, you need to use both hands. Quite the conundrum, right? The only solution is to keep repeating the process of picking up the tool, putting it down and picking it back up again.

Whether you're hacking at tree branches with an ax or you're carving something with a knife (or maybe fileting a fish). Either way, during these tasks you need both hands free for a second at some point.

This amazing paracord wrist lanyard is the optimum tool for those situations! Whether you're in a survival situation or just cleaning out a patch of weeds – it's a life saver.

I actually use it when using a small hoe in my garden. It allows me dig out the weeds, but if I need to use my hands, I don't have to put my hoe down.

On the next page, we show you how to make this incredibly useful lanyard and how to do it in under an hour.


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  1. Geoff Brown said:

    Can make several of them in that time . Takes 10 minutes at the most for a beginner

  2. Kyle Anderson said:

    They had to say an hour because some idiot will try it and spend 40 minutes just figuring it out and 20 mins doing it.


