Low Profile Weaponry: Why a Prepper Should Consider Adding to Their Arsenal

storing weapons

You may be looking at this title and thinking it's going to be all about how to discreetly carry brass knuckles, switchblades, and a pocket pistol.

While all are excellent weapons to carry for defense (though their legality is often questionable), the topic discussed focuses on a different sort of “low profile” altogether.

In a world of mass hysteria over the wide-reaching dangers of the “assault rifle,” which has been named public enemy number one by the media and by people who have no understanding of firearms, a low profile weapon these days is a firearm that will slip by most peoples' notice.

So to slip beneath the radar and be a “gray man” you'll want a weapon that doesn't automatically draw this attention.

Learn what you can do to keep yourself armed on the down-low with the important information on the next page.

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  1. Devin said:

    DON’T use the term “assault rifle/weapon” when referencing an AR-15 style firearm. This is a political and mass media term used to instill fear in those that have no real knowledge of firearms, much less their use, design or history. The AR model purchasable and used in the civilian market today is considered a Sport Rifle, NOT an “assault rifle” or “assault weapon”. Don’t feed into the fear mongering that is going on today, risking our rights as law-abiding citizens to defend ourselves.

    Thank you!

  2. Mark said:

    I recall Jeff Cooper writing on the use of the lever action 30 caliber rifle in urban areas and places where military style rifles and calibers might be restricted.

  3. Brett Adams said:

    What ever you can continue to produce ammunition for when the bulk of it runs out. Can you make 7.62×54 ammo for your mosin. 7.62×39 for your AK, 556 for your carbine? Remember also weight equals pain the amount of ammo you carry by how much it weighs, Arrows , bows and strings for hunting can be replenished from nature , if you’re a chemist you may be able to replenish your powder reserve but what about brass and primers, bullets? Black powder would probably be the way around the lack of cartridges for your defensive weapon. The length of time a social meltdown of society lasts would also come into the picture. A few weeks to a year you may be OK, but much longer you may have to start thinking a little more medieval. At the very least you would need to be exceptionally frugal with the use of any ammo you have stored to make it last.

  4. Harry Smith said:

    I tend to disagree that a bolt action is too slow. There was such a thing as the mad minute that was practiced by the military. It balanced marksmanship with rapid cycling of the bolt action without removing the rifle from the shoulder. It is actually easier to regain sight picture this way than with some semi auto rifles

  5. Owen Humphress said:

    You guys do realize you can break a Ar down to fit in a backpack…..right? A shotgun? Really?

  6. Rich Petitta said:

    If you read the article lever action is the first pick. Very interesting facts

  7. Marc Orcutt said:

    This article simply discussing a couple of alternative rifle platforms to the AR-15, on the basis that the AR-15 draws too much attention to itself. 1) I don’t believe that is a valid concern. When we’re talking about prepping/survival you use what works. How others “feel” about your particular choices is irrelevant. 2) What is more important is the type of firearms you chose and why. Rifles should be chosen for the type of game you can hunt with them (caliber), short range vs. long range, reliability, availability of ammo, availability of parts, etc.

  8. Evan Bayer said:

    Lever action in 30-30 or .357 mag: light, handy, ammo everywhere, higher capacity than a bolt gun, and plenty of$#%&!@*you power.

  9. John Tirpak said:

    Hard to beat lever action IMO……some GREAT pics in these articles too….could look all day at old navy style revolvers and carbine rifles!!!!

  10. Dan Green said:

    .22 rifle, 12 gauge shotgun, 7.62 rifle, and some sort of hand gun, 9mm, 40., or 45. You have have those, your good to go.

  11. John Tirpak said:

    I gave my wife a nice Mossberg 410 pump…….she would never handle an AR…..there would be dead bodies everywhere!!! LOL

  12. John Tirpak said:

    not everyone is trained enough, or accurate enough, to deal with an AR….they are fine for those who are…..but middle of the night, in the dark with strange voices in the hallway….gimme my damn shotgun!!!!

  13. David Trevillian said:

    Nice! I have a double barrel that breaks down in 2 seconds and easily fits into a backpack!

  14. Owen Humphress said:

    Dan Green you just showed how much of a tool you are. You would be gone before you even got your trigger assy installed. Furthermore you better hope you’re at least 600m away…… I wonder what your shotguns effective range is?

  15. Dan Green said:

    In most survival situations, my Shotgun will be more effective than your AR. Quit watching movies, and do the actual research.

  16. Dan Green said:

    Lmao. Here we go with the Military card. No point in arguing now. Good day sir.

  17. Owen Humphress said:

    Yup you just got schooled. It’s funny how we went running around with your super effective shotguns all the time.

  18. David Trevillian said:

    Quit being the guy that thinks an AR 15 is the only gun you need. Shotgun, handgun, rifle. All have their own purposes.

  19. Owen Humphress said:

    David Trevillian yeah and I have multiple. It I’m not going to grab a 30-30 for the sake of being a ‘grey man.’ That$#%&!@*just sounds crazy.

  20. Owen Humphress said:

    And even the 30-30 is a better choice then a shotgun in probably like 80% of situations.

  21. Dan Green said:

    Didn’t realize you had to be in the Military to know about survival situations. Also, I’m disputing ARs aren’t good to have, nor that they cannot be effective. But you ask most survival instructors or survival experts, they want a shotgun in their inventory. Also, a shotgun is far more effective in hunting, close quarter combat, and frankly, alot easier to learn how to shoot. Go ahead, keep throwing your military record in people’s faces to try and prove your point. It’s not working, it just makes you look like a jackass. Also, there are some of us who wanted to serve but couldn’t. Doesn’t make me any less of a person than you.

  22. Owen Humphress said:

    Yeah sure buddy CQB. You insult me and tell me to quit watching movies, then attack me because obviously I’ve been trained more than you in the Military. Do research? I’ve shot…… a lot. I was a armorer for 10 years and I also had the opportunity to work on a lot of firearms and machine guns. Not my fault you couldn’t enlist, you get no sympathy points from me.

    Who’s being the jackass?

  23. Owen Humphress said:

    If they are referring to ‘grey man’ then their is obviously a human threat as well. I wish you and your shotgun well. I hope all the research you have done serves you well and you never have to use any of your skills.

  24. Dan Green said:

    Oh I’m sorry, who slung the insults first? You did, when you called me a tool. And attacked you? Where? I’ve also shot, a lot, what’s your point? Also nice little pen you got there. What’s you point? I’ve been a farmer since I was 7, have had over 600 acres of farm land, if your trying to impress me with a small pen, and some trees, your not doing a good job. And I’m not expecting “sympathy points”, but just because you could serve and I couldn’t doesn’t make you better, nor does you being in the military automatically make you the expert on everything.

  25. Owen Humphress said:

    Yeah I called you a tool, and here’s my reasoning behind that. It’s going to take you atleast 1.5 minutes to put the pipe of parts you call a shotgun together, then you have to load it….. all while in danger and in panic mode. It’s a real convincing argument vs locking two pins in and loading a magazine. Take the barrel off? Sounds like a much better idea but you’ll still have a long$#%&!@*magazine tube handing out the top of your backpack. You arnt even arguing with my statement. You’re more concerned on making it seem like you know more than others and assuming everyone watches red dawn and$#%&!@*taking notes.

  26. Owen Humphress said:

    And a farmer throwing out CQBS as a excuse to use only a shotgun….. if you don’t live in a city, what do they matter?

  27. Owen Humphress said:

    Hell, a .30 carbine would be a better choice then a shotgun for concealment….. and it fires a damn pistol round.

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