Learn How to Make Gunpowder Just Like Your Ancestors Did and Use it When SHTF

gun powder and bullets

Let's face it: Just about any thought or discussion of when the grid goes down focuses on isolated and short-term survival situations where after the initial shock wears off, it becomes hours or even days before everything is “back to normal.”

Even then, how do we know that when SHTF it won't turn into something more permanent such as a longer-term man-made or natural disaster that makes life as we know it obsolete?

The potential for having to start again is why survivalists recommend that everyone should know how to make basic items with their own hands such as weapons and in this case, gunpowder.

Most preppers have stockpiled a ton of food but once it is all used up, they will be on their own again during a long-term survival situation. After that point, they will need to hunt for food but after a while, their stock of ammunition would run out.

To learn how to make gunpowder and also understand just how powerful of a skill this is to have, visit the next page.

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  1. Craig Smith said:

    I once was told by an old backwoods guy that you could make gunpowder from boiling chicken poop and adding a few other ingredients has anyone heard of this recipe or tried it

  2. Anonymous said:

    Can a piss and$#%&!@*subsidiary be used for making primers also?

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