Learn How To Make Activated Charcoal With These Simple Steps


Activated Charcoal can be a life-saver in a survival setting when someone has ingested something poisonous.

It can even be used to treat alcohol and drug overdoses.

Here are some basic steps to making your own Activated Charcoal.

1. Strip coconut shells free of any meat or fiber. Wash them and let them dry.

2. Place the coconut shells in a burning sink and burn them at a temperature of 575 to 900 degrees Fahrenheit until they are complete ash.

3. Remove the ash place it in a clean plastic pail. Add CaCl2 or ZnCl2 25% chemical solution to soak the ash.

4. Allow the ash to soak for one day.

5. Remove the charcoal from the pail and place it on a draining tray. Wash and rinse it with distilled water to remove all traces of the chemical solution.

6. Place the charcoal in an oven heated to 215 degrees Fahrenheit, and allow it to bake for 3 hours.

7. Remove the charcoal and crush it into powder form using a hammer. The grains should be as small as you can make them.

8. Store the activated charcoal in Ziploc bags. When treating poisons, mix 1/3 of a cup with 1 cup of water, then have the victim drink it.

Even if you never have to use it, having some Activated Charcoal on hand at all times is a good idea.

When a person swallows poison, it can be a life saver if used quickly enough.

For more information and tips on Activated Charcoal, please visit eHow.


