Just How Important is Cleanliness After the Collapse?


Cleanliness is next to godliness, and it will still be the case when SHTF. You're going to have to clean that fan up with something, so stocking up on cleaning tools and asking yourself how you will address various scenarios is an important consideration for your survival plans. Check out the tips below for some ideas.

It is amazing how many people use ‘paper towels’ as their first choice to clean up a mess. Not only is it expensive (comparative to an ordinary washable towel) but it is not sustainable.
The answer is a good supply of a variety of washable towels ranging in size from small to large. Don’t stop there though… imagine if there’s no electricity and your washing machine doesn’t work. That’s right, you’ll need to wash them by hand.
You will need a variety of buckets and basins. But it doesn’t end there… you will also need a washboard, the ridges of which help to loosen out the ‘dirt’.
Do you have a water supply nearby (other than your faucet tap)? Do you have a means to collect it and store it? Do you even know where the nearest secondary water source is?
Oh, and what about soap? Do you have a variety of bar and liquid soaps stored up? Enough to last quite awhile?
What about plenty of clothes-line rope and clothes-pins for hanging your clean towels and clothes (you’re dryer doesn’t work)?
For every aspect of preparedness to do with maintaining sanitary conditions for cleaning, cleanliness and sanitation, just think about how you will go about doing it without today’s modern conveniences (just in case)…

The last line about cleanliness above is the most important. When you're making your plans for long-term bug out survival, you should consider everything you rely on now and try and figure out how you're going to continue those actions in a post SHTF world.

Stocking up on everything you use to clean now is the best thing you can do to prepare. You should also keep track of how much you use regularly so that you can make accurate plans on how much you should stock up on.

For more information like this, check out more tips on cleanliness on Modern Survival Blog.


