Just How Important is Cleanliness After the Collapse?


Most people in our society today put a lot of emphasis on cleanliness in their lives. This is evident in the spotless and shining floors of office buildings, the abundance of “hand washing stations” throughout stores and food courts, and the aisles and aisles of cleaning products that all do the same things yet are somehow all different from one another.

With this in mind, we must also remember that when SHTF we will still want to keep clean as possible. It will actually become more important as cleanliness will have to replace going to the clinic when we are ill.

Going to the doctor's office may no longer be an option when SHTF, which means that preventing illness in the first place will be one of the most important actions you can take when the collapse happens.

Check out the next page to find out all of the cleaning tools you should be stocking up on now.

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